Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Flowers for Audra

Got up early to cut greenery and flowers for Audra's wedding.  It is going to be outside and she wanted fresh flowers to line the aisle.  I took the flowers into Ken's before school,  At school a student and I went to the grocery store to get supplies for making hamburgers on Thursday,  Cathy suggested that a student be exited after I spent 3-4 hours working on his IEP last Saturday.  Uffta.  After school we had a big talk about how we were going to get the tests read to 8 students in one class that are all at different levels.  Double uffta. I went to Ken's and Audra and her fiancee, Lourme' met me there.  Ken helped pick flowers from his garden.  They were really happy with the results.  I headed to Arthur and visited with Denny alittle, then to Church to meet for Awana and 4-6 grade girl leaders.  Home and Missy had grilled burgers. After supper I went to deck and worked on computer.  Mandy called on her way home from work.  Great to visit.  Now to bed I go.  Pictures of flower buckets,  and projects done at St. Joe farm.  Clean shed in the back yard, Trim the dead off the fruit trees, and change 9 light bulbs in living room light fixture.   Good night,..........................................................    

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