Friday, September 13, 2013

Half day of personal leave

Nice to visit with Mandy this am,  got to love those small times together.  Denny, Mandy and I were out on the deck.  Headed to school.  A student and I went to the grocery store during second hour.  Lauren's grandmother died.  At 11:30 Andrea came as my substitute and I headed home to go to Omaha with Mandy.   We talked nonstop on the way down.  And got lost several times because we were talking, but we were late to nothing and had a great time.  Looked at garden archways in Mo. V.  Went to about 5 thrift stores.  Mandy had a visit with an online school.  We looked at wedding stuff and ate at Kathy and Rory's.  We found 2 bikes for Jensen kids, got lost again, and made it to the airport to pick up Jason by 9:25.  Jason and Mandy talked all the way home.  What a great day.  Also, Praise the Lord, Katelynn L. got a heart transplant today.  Please continue to pray for this sweet 6 month old and the family that lost their child.  Thank you Jesus for the gift of life.  Messed around with some Hawkeye/ Cyclone flowers before getting to bed.  Wonderful day!!!   Missed CSA pickup, but Lynzie took our share.

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