Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nothin special about today ... except another day to praise the Lord...That makes the day GREAT!!!

Got to school kinda early. Coffee on deck, so nice. We had rain last night so everything looked fresher.  School went fine.  I stayed kinda late just puttsing around.  Went home about 6:30, CSA was over.  I helped clean up, Denny spent time with the preschooler, Brooks.  So cute.  I had put chicken and stuffing. We, 7,  ate arouond our little circle table.  On a more personal note, I continue to have this rash yuck.  Two spots moved from my right leg about a week ago, to four spots on my left forearm the last couple days.  It itches, but I feel if I itch it it will spread. Joann gave me some cream and I got it yesterday but does not seem to affect it.  I don't know if it is related to Evan's breakout a couple weeks ago, or poison ivy at Matt's acerage or just my badness coming out.  Anabel has kind of a break out on her face too.   I hate to go to the doctor to check on it. so will just try to wait it out.  If it does not improve, I better see Dr. L.

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