Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday YEA!!

  It was a year ago that Howard died.  Life is different ... yet it goes on.  What a great year to have Mandy with us taking care of the folks.  Priceless.  Missy headed in to Mock Trial early so I got to braid Anabel's hair.  I took flowers to Olde Towne and made a bouquet for Sheri.  Another put out fires day.  English students would not read out loud.  But they were in school.   Math student is so slow.  But he did keep it under 4 minutes going to the RR.  Math test was taken by student absent on Tuesday.  Very nice student helped her with careers project during math.  Success student worked on very late careers project.  Other success student would not finish geography test.  Uffta.  I was worn out again.    After school, Denny took bobcat and chain saw and tried to clear a way to place so we can dig and look for water leak.  UFFTA!!  Dan G. came to take a look.  I an writing on computer out on the deck and it is starting to get cold.

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