Friday, January 31, 2014

Out to lunch

I met Susan at the hospital for lunch. Justin fixed food for Lauren and himself. After school, T25, double session. Then to Atlantic for Mike L visitation

We drove down, and made it to the visitation right at the end. We gave Ryan and Julie a ride to their motel, then to meet kids at Pizza Ranch. On the way home I was starved for Mexican and it was getting after 8. Denny stopped and I got super Nachos at truck stop Pictures of fixing food for math and a science project. (NOT) whatever Drawing of Ben and Becca's Beau's idea of responsibility. So cute ... Raelyn ... (nothing)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Quick trip to the lake ... Cold and gray today

Kinda slow getting off to work today. Didn't listen to daily bread until after 7:15.. Good day at school. After school T25 for abs ... Not a lot of fun, but better with friends.  Lynzie's husband got bumped and will be traveling for a while. Phillip went to talk to Midwest and Gomaco. Lord, may your will be done. At 4:30 I headed to Storm Lake. Got my nails done with Sa and got cheese (Lots of Cheese) at Hyvee. Denny had a great supper and piano music ready when I got home. So much to be thankful for.  E-1 Pictures of Kane What a cutie!!! :

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I love to do T25 after school

 We kind of slept in this am.  It was after 9:30 pm when I went to bed last night.  As I drove to school the sky was beautiful.  It was a soft blue and pink right around the horizon.  At school, we went to Foodpride for math.  Then worked on next semester schedule, and Senior Dollars for Scholars.  After school T25.  It just feels good to workout and be out of breath. There were about 7-8 staff and 12 students.  Next I rode the bike at the rec center for 8 miles.  Off to Awana.  I work with such sweet girls. Paige, Stephanie and Breanna.  
E had 2.   :)  Pictures from 1986
Kara took a picture of the sunrise 'cause she thought it was pretty too.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It was cold, but no late start

Denny and I sat at the dining room table and visited after getting ready.  That was nice.  It made him nervous because I was wondering about what we were doing tonight before Dance Class number 5.  On the way to school a student was stopped pushing his car by the hospital.  I turned around to ask if I could help.  He was out of gas and so I took him and a friend to Pronto.  Got gas and he called his folks. Regular day at school.  Looked ahead to Iowa Assessments and who was reading the tests to whom.  After school we did T 25.  Nice work out again.  Now to meet Denny after his haircut.  We ate at Subway.  He went back to Arthur and I headed to rec center and swam 1 1/4 miles.  Then to our dance class.  We worked on waltz and swing step.  Francie said she looks forward to teaching us.
E- 1,  Pictures from 1986:

Monday, January 27, 2014

Two hour late start

Great to have a 2 hour late start when it is so cold.  I worked on pictures for the blog.  At school I got instruction on blogs.  Need all the help I can get.
E-1  Pictures from 1986:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday funday

Donuts going was a little later this am. Such a good talk during Sunday school from Andrew Malone.  He used to come to Kevin's youth group from 2000-2004 He was really encouraging
We had a visitor to church, a mom of one of the Awana clubbers. Nathan gave her a ride to where she belonged. Hope this is on the way to helping and healing. Pictures from 1986:

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Home, sweet home .... In front of the computer

Great to be home on a cold day.   Denny went to work at Odebolt.  Kids came down and made biscuit donuts.  I worked on some pictures for Blog.  

Denny worked in Odebolt.  I sat in front of the computer.  We had soup for lunch.  Denny napped and then later in the afternoon he started to vacuum and clean.  I kept at the computer.  We fixed the pizza I ordered at Papa Murphy's yesterday.  We got an email message from Gail and Bruce about trailer. Pictures from 1986:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Heading to SC after school

Missy headed into school early. I got to snuggle with the boys and do Anabel's hair.  This weekend in the big wrestling tournament.  It is the 44 year.  The weekend is only second to the state wrestling tournament.  It continues to be cold in our RR room.  The thermostat is still broken.  No PE today as the gym is set up.  We made cupcakes during first hour and second hour made chicken tacos .... they turned out okay.
I went to SC after work. Met with Roseners at Pappa Johns E-1, Pictures from 1986:
The cousins were putting on a play at Swan Lake. Other pic is camping near Ames at Ledges, I believe.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

BRRRRRR 2 hour late start

It was nice to sleep in a little.  I had lots of plans of what I could get done... Sure didn't any of it done. It was nice to go to school at 9:45.  Instead of 7:15.  Nice short day.  A student missed his first day this semester, hate to see that.  After school, I went and ran 4 miles on elliptical  Then home and I fixed my favorite spaghetti pot meal.  Denny came home with a bad cold.  We ate a quick bite and went to bed because Denny was chilled.  Nice to talk to Mandy while we were chilling.
E-1  Pictures from 1986.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wed night ... Awana

Denny thought he was coming down with something yesterday, Kinda slow getting around this am.  After school I joined about 12 students doing a T25 25 minute workout.  It was pretty fun.  The heat is still not on in our room, so it is a chilly 57 degrees when I come in the am. Thank heaven for space heaters.  Plan to go to the rec center.  Yesterday I finished by Ironman.  I will start another.  Then to Awana.
ISS  Pictures from 1986:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dancing tonight ... dentist ... rec center

It is so nice to come home to a clean house.  Denny and Kevin N. worked on putting a radon pipe into the closet under the stairway.  They discussed putting a pipe down in the living room, but Kevin was against it.  We'll wait and see how the level is affected.
Nice to spend the am in a clean house too.  At school I put the boxes from Cindy in the car.  I have a dentist appointment after school.  The group that is doing Live Iowa Healthy is meeting right after the kids leave. So I met with them until 4. Then to dentist who had me fill out a form in sleep habits. Then to rec center. Biked 8 miles. Ran 3 and swam .5 to finish my iron man .... What a nice way to do it. Then to subway, met Denny and really had a quick bite. Then we learned the waltz. Denny said he is coming down with something.  Missy and Phillip went to.boys BB game. Introducing: Beckett McMichael Henderson Born at 12:19 weight 10.3 pounds 22 inches.

Monday, January 20, 2014

KInda Cold

Denny has the day off.  I headed to school at 7:15.  Cindy had some boxes to get rid of and so I put my name on them.  They may be of help for Mandy.   I went to the rec center for about 20 miles on the bike.  It was snowy and blowing on the way home and so I took gravel.  Denny and Kevin did a lot of work on the radon tubing.  Hopefully it will help.  I headed to bed before 8.   Tried to text Luke about the contest, but no answer.  Pictures of 1986:
E-1   M-1

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Warm, but windy

I was alittle late for donuts this am.  I was in the nursery during SS and so we ate in the nursery.  Nice visiting couple in church - Mike and Rita? After church we went to the OABCIG pancake lunch and sat by Carstensens.  Nice to visit with them.  Home for naps and then I got up first and started to get ready to clean.  Denny got up a little later and when I went out to run/??? he kept cleaning.   Boy, did we clean in the afternoon!  It was great to have it done.  We went to prayer time and then home to bed.  Pictures of 1986.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

two years ago Anabel died

  I got up early and got started fixing apple pie and Chocolate pie.  It was kinda nice to be lazy with the rest of the morning.  Denny fixed me sausage to go with my toast.  I basically tried to clean the kitchen before lunch.  After lunch Denny was going to the bank to work.  He thought I should head to Storm Lake, but I decided to just go to IG.  I ran and rode the bike at the rec center.  Then home for a quick supper.  We headed to the Awana meeting.  It was a good turnout.  14.  Denny does such a good job of leading the meeting, directing the conversation, as much as possible.  He really shares his heart for the lost kids in our community.  Mary brought a pumpkin dessert, and both pies got eaten.  Missy and Phillip headed to Ames for a Jensen Christmas weekend.  At night Mandy called.  So good to visit with her.   She is taking 3 classes:  writing, role transitions,  health care delivery systems.  There is a shower for Mandy in Cherokee April  26.  She is flying to IG Feb. 28 - March 5th.  With Mandy taking classes her work schedule varies.   On a 4 week schedule she works 2 weekend days out of each 4 week period. and one day during the week.  I think that is it.

It is hard to have both of our parents gone.  We miss them daily and admire the strong ethics they left us with. One picture of 1986, some pictures of Denny's birthday 2010..