Monday, March 31, 2014

A new week

At regular school day.  Wrote a letter.  Got lessons ready for sub tomorrow at. Delivered the letter. Lord, work things out for your glory.  At home Denny and Phillip ground feed. I did Insanity and went to the greenhouse for a while.  Tried to plant some Bodatius Dahlias.

E-1, M-1 Pictures of Kane getting farming information from Phillip and Grands at Rec center

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday is a fun day

Up and reading in bed. Inherit the Wind. Evan was sick so we just took A&B for donuts.  After church we went to the Arthur Omlet fundraiser.  Denny laid down, I worked on an IEP.  Later in the afternoon I ran the section ... very slowly.  Prayer time at church.
Pictures of chasing pigs.

Playing with the Grands  Saturday March 29
Kids were up about 6.  They had yogurt then.  Matt went to folks to pick up / sort out  the tools he had bought.  We went over for a while to watch him and see the alpacas.   Before that we went to look at the red wattle.  Chase the red wattle.  Feed old chicken eggs to the red wattle. It was fun having all of Grands together.   We had sausage and eggs from Grandpa about 10.  Two went down for naps about 11:30.  Others played outside.   I worked in the greenhouse a little.  About 2 we went in to the rec center.  Matt ran the trail and I watched Grands in the pools.  There were maidrites when we got home and then the Missouri Johnsons left with a trailer load of stuff. Pictures of Kids and hogs.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Missouri Grands are here.

Full day at school.  Went to a farm.  After school we did 45 min of T25.  Then to the grocery store.  I did nnpt get home until after 6:30.  Matt, Haley, Torren and Kane were there.  We fixed corn dogs and french fries for kids.  Adults had Red Wattle pork in a crock pot.  YUM!!   Phillip has walking pneumonia. He is feeling pretty punk.  Matt came down with us and visited while I worked on an application for  the SAVE program.  We have a tax appointment that Denny told Matt about.   Kind of a late night for me.   E-1, M-1 Pictures are of great corndog and fries meal and Kids and alpacas.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Went to garden meeting at extension office.

Up at 5. Worked on class work. School ... After school we did T25 then I came home and put some snapdragon fragile germinated seeds into soil blocks, fixed cardboard pizza, and headed to town. The extension garden meeting was fun. Lots of people there, I'd say 35+. I got some seeds and bulbs and garlic. Home about 9. Pictures of the Leggo man and his projects.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Awana tonight

Up early. Worked on questions for The Monument. Quiet class, Worked on IEP. After school did T25.
Stayed at school until 5:45.

Up 1-5
E-2, M -1, S-1

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Red Wattle ham for supper

Hope to put some seeds in soil blocks, this afternoon. I woke up at 5 and did my devotions in bed, and wrote on the blog, and looked on the internet, so I was a little behind in getting to school. Regular day at school. After school we did T25, then I ran for another 15 minutes. At home I did put 100 seeds in soil block. Hope they do okay. I don't really feel that this is my strength. Jensens ate red Wattle, steamed stirfried vegetables, and crockpot onions and potatoes. Very quiet class. E +2 :), M-1 :( Pictures of Newhouse Sisters and Jane... perhaps in Dallas watching a roller derby bout. The same time we were overnight in Dallas because of airplane malfunctions made us miss our flight to Omaha. ????

Monday, March 24, 2014

Here we go again!! School

Didn't sleep the best last night. Nyquil at 11:30. Exercise at 5:30. At school EBCE is a great program. We had a meeting after school about Voc Rehab.  At home we had chicken noodle soup and just went to bed.  I don't seem to have very much get up and go...As the saying goes ... It has got up and gone.Very funny envelope from Burlington.  My kids make me smile.  Mandy is planning to go to Indianola after her shower in Cherokkee on April 26.  Looking forward to that time.  

E +2  :)  Pictures of Craig's bunch: Doesn't that look like fun!!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Last day of break

The kids came down to get boxes of cereal that I picked up for them at the Windom hotel.  Brooks had seen them yesterday and remembered and wanted to know if they could have them at 7:30 or when they come down at 8:30 for donuts.  Elizabeth said Missy and Phillip were on the from page of the Storm Lake paper with their CSA information.  Pretty exciting.  Good high school Sunday School class.  Alan H. does such a great job.  Denny grilled pork chops and vegetables for lunch.  It was so good.  We have enough to take for lunch tomorrow.  I worked on putting pictures on the blog in the afternoon and then at 3:30 I took Grands into the rec center for swimming.  I swam a  mile.  Denny worked on book work until 6:00 and time for the concert of prayer.  In bed by 8:30.

  Pictures of Craig and Marilyn's family.  Barb was back from Grand Rapids and all other kids came with their kids.  It looks like so much fun!!


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Home sweet home

Denny headed to work. I started to unpack/ wash clothes/ get organized???  It seems like getting back from vacation brings everything into a mess.  The time away was worth the mess, but still so much to straighten up.  I read the book Bryan's Return and the English play Inherit the Wind. I went out to the green house and watched Phillip made soil blocks.  Pretty interesting.  Missy came down in the afternoon and we did Insanity together.  Denny and I watched a movie in bed before going to sleep.

  Pictures of Kane and hair and Matt:


Friday, March 21, 2014

D/FW to Omaha

Up at 5:30. Breakfast in the Windom Hotel. Denny was happy when I found the sausage and eggs under a stainless less steeel cover at the continental breakfast. The drive to the airport was about a third of the time it took last night. Don't know why that cab took such a long way around ... or maybe I do. We got Starbucks with our voucher ... coffee, Chai Teas and breath mint gum.  Final flight leg to Omaha went uneventful. That's what we like. Met Gail and Bruce in Avoca. Very quick exchange on information so we could head north.  Denny is going into work.  Brooks came down and spied the small cereal boxes on the table.  Anabel came down and tried on a dress from Texas.  Both got rubber boots.  I went to the rec center and swam a mile.  Also stopped to take some $ from First and put in United for purchasing the trailer.  
Pictures of Trailer deck, Terry and Dan, and supper at TGI Fridays in D/FW airport


Thursday, March 20, 2014

The plan is to go home

Up and ran 4 miles. Missy texted me and said the snow is gone ... we can come home. We got our boarding passes printed at the airport and then headed to the island. Looked for dresses ... did not find any, but I bought a pair of light blue jeans. Terry and Dan gave us a ride to the airport. When we got there our flight was 1 and a 1/2 hours late. We didn't make the flight to Omaha and are spending the night at a Windom hotel in Dallas. We used a voucher to eat at TGI Friday. We ended up taking a cab to the hotel. Very strange. Denny called the number of the hotel on our voucher and they said they did not have a shuttle. When we got to the hotel in the taxi, the hotel did in fact have 24 hour shuttle. Another couple from Avoca and Logan were in the same situation. We kinda traveled together.  Denny texted Deb to say he hopes to be able to work at least in the afternoon.
  Pictures of Boca Chica gang:


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Over to the Island... no wait to Boca Chica

Up and ran 4 this am.  Then read a book until Denny got up. We hauled tree branch s the front yard yard for pick up, took food to Desters, caulked bathroom and outdoor light fixtures, and chilled on dock admiring our handy work. Smiley came over and invited us to go to the Boca Chica beach. So we are off at 12:30. It was nice out at the beach. About 25 people were there watching the waves come in, sitting on lawn chairs, and visiting. Glen gave us a ride in his Jeep from one end to the other of the island. 8 miles. At home we cleaned and then I headed to Dillards t look at the dresses I put on hold. I ended up not getting any dresses they were 65% off and needed to be returned in 3 days if ... or they would be mine. Denny stayed and cleaned. At home we ate, watched a movie and headed to bed. Boca Chica Pictures: