Thursday, March 13, 2014

On the way to Texas

Woke early.  Sat by the computer exercised 45 min with Insanity. Denny brought me to school so he could come and get me when I take my half day of personal leave.  Made biscuits and gravy in class.  At 11:30 Denny picked me up and we drove to Omaha.  Very non eventful trip.  Just the way we like it.  Scott and Todd were at Brownsville to pick us up.  We went to Gail and Bruce's new place.  Rory (DM) and Steve (San Fransico) were there.  They have been golfing LOTS!! Then to our trailer.  Denny thought the floor looked awesome.  Nice night in the Valley.

E-1. E2-:(. 
Pictures of Hendersons and Johnson men. Posing for a workout ... Hope on include text comments sometime for background info on Johnson guys pictures.

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