Friday, March 14, 2014

BV. We are here Brownsville :)

Stayed in bed until Denny woke up.  We had coffee on the deck.  Then we walked to La Casa de la Tortilla. They found one person in the place (of about 15 people) that could speak English.  So we asked him what to order and we ate.  It was pretty good. He brought us a sample of pork to try.   At home we looked in the shed and found a hose and car wash soap so we (Denny) started to wash off the trailer.  I went behind with a brush and bucket with soap.  Then Denny went back and rinsed off what I had put soap on.  He kept going and i trimmed some of the bushes and the palm tree.  Last year when they trimmed the big tree behind the deck, the branches just dropped in the rasaca.  I tried to pull them out of the water.  About 6 we cleaned up and headed to the Island.  We walked the beach at sunset,  We walked about 2 miles.  On the way back to the main drag we passed the theater.   I talked Denny into going to see Son of God.  It was pretty good, but Denny thought it was kind of a waste because he knew how the story ended. The movie got out at 10:15.   It was spring break and so lots of traffic.  It took us a long time to drive down the main drag.  This was not plan A, but what could you do at this point?  We did make it home, just took us a while.  Sat out on the deck a while before going to bed.  The trailer looks nice and clean. Kids shared that I had the winning points for weight loss and point total for the last 5 week contest, but having not paid the entry fee I was not eligible to receive the $10. Life goes on...  This was the first day I have really been in a predicament. As we drove to the island, I realized -  I had not drank 64 oz of water, had not had 2 fruits or 3 vegetables, and it was 7 pm, not a fruit stand in sight.  We had thought about eating at Joes Shrimp shack, (no fruits and veg. there) No big water jug available as we walked the beach.  Before I went to bed back at the trailer, I drank a lot of water... I would not recommend that to anyone.  It would be a wash if I ate fruits and vegetables after 9 and sacrificed my 5 points for not eating after 9.   I fixed Denny a hamburger when we got back to the trailer. Pictures of Mexican breakfast menu, deck in Am and sunset walk at beach.

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