Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday is a fun day

Up and reading in bed. Inherit the Wind. Evan was sick so we just took A&B for donuts.  After church we went to the Arthur Omlet fundraiser.  Denny laid down, I worked on an IEP.  Later in the afternoon I ran the section ... very slowly.  Prayer time at church.
Pictures of chasing pigs.

Playing with the Grands  Saturday March 29
Kids were up about 6.  They had yogurt then.  Matt went to folks to pick up / sort out  the tools he had bought.  We went over for a while to watch him and see the alpacas.   Before that we went to look at the red wattle.  Chase the red wattle.  Feed old chicken eggs to the red wattle. It was fun having all of Grands together.   We had sausage and eggs from Grandpa about 10.  Two went down for naps about 11:30.  Others played outside.   I worked in the greenhouse a little.  About 2 we went in to the rec center.  Matt ran the trail and I watched Grands in the pools.  There were maidrites when we got home and then the Missouri Johnsons left with a trailer load of stuff. Pictures of Kids and hogs.

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