Monday, March 17, 2014

Painted the old dock

Up and ran around 4 seasons. Took branches from back space to front to have Danny haul them away.  I tried dresses on at Dillard's. Denny went to Loews at home we at tamalas and started fixing railing on the deck.  He had bought me paint so I started giving it a light coat of white. Mary Jean came over to visit at 4.  I fixed food for pot luck.... They didn't have it.  So back came the food.  From 7-10 there was a St Pat's dance.  It was nice.  Good to get deck painted.  It is kind of like trying to make a silk purse from a sow's ear.  Most people would think it looks tacky, but I am happy to have slapped on some paint and fixed the hand rail. Pictures of dock:

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