Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Over to the Island... no wait to Boca Chica

Up and ran 4 this am.  Then read a book until Denny got up. We hauled tree branch s the front yard yard for pick up, took food to Desters, caulked bathroom and outdoor light fixtures, and chilled on dock admiring our handy work. Smiley came over and invited us to go to the Boca Chica beach. So we are off at 12:30. It was nice out at the beach. About 25 people were there watching the waves come in, sitting on lawn chairs, and visiting. Glen gave us a ride in his Jeep from one end to the other of the island. 8 miles. At home we cleaned and then I headed to Dillards t look at the dresses I put on hold. I ended up not getting any dresses they were 65% off and needed to be returned in 3 days if ... or they would be mine. Denny stayed and cleaned. At home we ate, watched a movie and headed to bed. Boca Chica Pictures:

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