Monday, August 31, 2015

Got flowers after school for CSA

I was pretty tickled to get 2 IEPs done ... but there were many things I had to switch. But I got them switched with help from Cathy. Home school mom did not show up. She went to the wrong locked door. Set up time for ag visit with Phillip. I am tired and heading to bed. 9

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Started teaching second grade SS

Up early to work on IEPs. I think that I got them done. Now to put a few flowers together for church. Should I use the stinky Cleome??? That is the question. So pretty, but they do smell bitter greeny. I think I will describe it as a earthy, musky fragrance. We came home to eat a lunch of leftovers. I made Susan a bouquet and too the other arrangement home to run the earthy musky fragrance through Phillip. He was okay with it going to the CSA shares, so that is what I will be picking tomorrow. Naps in the afternoon. I am so thankful I got the IEPs done. Piper really liked to be at the farm. Especially the mud puddle. Oops, another bath before they get him in the car to travel back to Cherokee.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

AM Car to Carroll ... PM Supper with daughters +

Up and worked on an IEP before heading to Carroll to get oil changed on Prius. I met Gail at 9:30. We went thrifting. I got Denny a juicer and a frame for Matt's family's picture. We ate Chinese. Then I mad a WalMart run. I went to Arthur to get the SS book to study the lesson for the 2nd grade class I am teaching this year. During the day they took the tramp over to Cherry Creek farm. At home, we unpacked, showered, then Mandy and Jason came. They helped fix Jalepino poppers. I fixed guacamole, creamy cucumbers, and green beans with butter, garlic, and almonds. Everything was so good. Dad did better on the Mexican hordeor drink. We were so full of poppers and guacamole, but we still found room for carnita, green beans, and cukes. Then we went to the fire pit and ate our apple crisp that Missy made. It was a beautiful night. So fun to be with family. Kids roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and watched a movie.

Friday, August 28, 2015

First Friday of the school year

Wow usually we start with a short week of school. This year it is 2 full weeks of school before Labor Day 4 day week. Everyone was pretty tired. I got to school early. Rainy day. A student got wet leaving Golden Horizons. In Eng 1 we had read and answered questions about the game Monopoly and so we played it for part of the class after they took a quiz. Pep rally after school. Then I went to Shopko. The umbrella must have been sold. At home I napped. Denny had gone to town to get ingredients for poppers. We grilled a small steak and pork chop for supper. Great to chill in the sunroom.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hair cut with Brooks

Tired morning. Usually we start the school year on aa Wednesday ... so today should be a weekend. NOPE It is day 4 of the first week and I am tired. I think it was not just me. A teacher was sleeping in the chair while their classroom was empty. (Later I hear the teacher was leaned back draining their sinuses ... sure) After school I worked on the nsst 2 weeks of lesson plans. Then to get Brooks, he and I got a haircut at Wall Lake. I have 2 IEPs to work on tonight ... Due Sept. 2. Lord, help me. Mandy and Jason went out for dinner with friends ... just happened to take their plane to Iowa City for Sushi. Pretty funny. 7

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

AWANA training Beth's birthday!!

I was up early and made bars for the training meeting. Slept better last night. Mary brought Cukes, onions and tomatoes for Awana supper. I found out I have 2 IEPs that are due September 3. Uffta!! AEA was meeting about students, but I had to leave a 4. I stopped by the church to make sure the cavatini got in the oven, Denny was already there. Then a quick trip home to get bars, cookies, etc. The meeting went very well. About 25 were there. Sandy watched 4 little ones during the meeting. It is Beth B. birthday. She took these great mountain wildflower pictures while hiking this summer.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

CSA tonight

Good time to pray last night. I should have prayed more. At school kinda early. Now it is success period. Classes went well today !! Thank you Jesus!!! The man from AEA came to visit with a student just at the right time.

Monday, August 24, 2015

day 1 with the students

Up bright and early. At school everyone was pretty excited. They like to see friends that they don't see often during the summer. Student came to start flex. One student decided not to home school. Another is looking to home school. Very good convicting assembly at the end of school. Call... Lord, help me talk to students. AFter I got home I got the flowers ready for CSA. Denny worked on Awana. Short night.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sun day fun day

Took Grands for donuts. Early I picked flowers for church. (Smelly cleome). Gave out to Sarah, Stephanie, and I should have warned them. I went to town and ate with Casey at the hospital cafeteria. Good to visit with her. Much need of prayer. She is going thru deep waters. Has surgery in California. Then to school. I stayed until 4. Denny was just leaving Savannah. At home I made 3 pans of cavatini. Worked in putting all students' schedules on one paper. Kane's first day of school. Jensens with pottery cereal bowls they made with Kim L.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sweet Saturday Love it!!!

Up too early, after staying up too late. I headed in to school until Missy texted and said they were picking beans. Mary Kay came with Rachel and picked up the trunk that's lid was off. Picked beans until 1:30. Quick nap and back to school. In the afternoon it downpoured!!! Cute text picture from Missy. We ate tacos together and worked on finding all about me sheet for first day of classes. Home by 10 Denny in Savannah.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Home school picnic

Devotions in bed. Up and out. It seems like there is still so much to do with school starting Monday. The Freshmen came to school in the morning to see where their classes were. I got a salad at the hospital and brought it back to school. Meeting from 1-2. Then work in classroom. Left at 3:30 to get ready for the picnic. ABout 30 were here. I am so thankful that Rachel took most of the school tub stuff. Visited with Susan til about 10. Thank you Jesus for friends. 3

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Denny cleaned the house I can use this link to evaluate learning style of students. Devotions in bed. I went to school early to get the 5 gal. thermos from church. (oops that was Friday morning) At school meetings all morning with entire teacher population. Worked in room in afternoon. Roger got tubs out to the back of my pickup. Open house from 4-6. Then home for Denny cleaning and me putting books out. I took dress up clothes to bunk house. To bed at 10:30. Pretty tired. 2

Started school...

Rolls and fruit. Staff picture at 9:30. Then meetings most of the day. Phillip got the Nishumuras at the airport. They are making their home at Cherry Creek until March. So glad to have them. 1

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

42 years with Denny :) !!! Today with the daughters :)

Up at 6, devotions, boiled eggs for breakfast, clean up CSA, take grands to Hendersons for the day.  (Denny picked them up after 5.)  Before we went to get Missy we fixed glacomole.  YUM!!  Missy had a doctor appointment at 1:30.  We shopped before, during, and after.  Mandy was tickled to get the paint for a project.  and her eyebrows worked on, and 2 sport needs.  Missy was happy for a good check up.  I was happy to get 2 adjustable tables at Target.  We ate Chinese and talked and laughed alot.  Thank you daughters for a great day!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Full day

Denny heads back to work. I headed to the garden. Helped Missy pick zucchini, and cukes at home, at cherry Creek and at Jensens. Ate a bite of lunch with Jensens. Then kids helped me clean stuff and move it back into the bunk house. Picked more cherry tomatoes. Set up chicken coop for Odebolt elementary teachers. Five gals came about 6:30. Nice visit out by fire pit, good snacks, and then I went out to work on CSA flowers. When I got finished I made a bouquet for Luann. Phillip is going to the airport to pick them up tonight. I am tired, but looking forward to spending the day with my girls tomorrow.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Flowers for church

Great to wake up at home this am. I went out to th eCSA shed after devotions and put together a bouquet for church. Gave to Jenny, Audra, Leah, Donnabel, Betty, Isaiah,Heidi, Brenda, Darlene and one other. Then to Pizza Hut to eat with Goldsmiths and Luke. At home I laid down for a while. I went out to bunk house and started to take out junk. Denny came a joined me after his nap. We worked until 8. Jensens took some rubber boots with them. Denny did a lot with the shop vac. Yea!!

Saturday August 15

Nice to wake up in my own bed. Short night. I went out and picked 280 stems of lisianthus. That is just 4 per CSA share. Then I picked about 70 asters. They will all go in the cooler until Monday. Luke, Karen, and Mark got here about 11. Denny fixed brats on the grill, Luke fixed guacamole with some of the avocados, Mark, Karen and I went to the garden and got zucchini, tomatoes and cukes. Great lunch. We got ready and went to Lindsay and Neck's wedding that started at 2. Before the reception Goldsmiths met us at Olds Town. The reception at the skate palace was fun. We stayed until almost 11. Jensens were in Ames helping Laurie and Alan move to the house next door and cleaning the smaller house so that it is ready for the renters. Nice day. Also pictures of me and Sylvia in Brownsville.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Headed home.

I did exercise class walking. Teri came to help eat some fruit after class. We got ready to leave. We drove to airport to get our boarding passes printed. When we got back I found 4 more avocados in mom's tree. I took up a hoe instead of the heavy rake, so I could reach them. Denny cleaned most of the floors. We ate the last polish sausages, salad, and fruit About 3 we went to the pool. Shiels gave us a ride. Flight has gone smoothly landed in Omaha at 10. Home alittle after midnight. We stopped at WalMart in Denison.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sealer on the deck

I got up at 6:10 and walked to the Port Church to work for an hour at the food pantry.  I helped a little with getting clothes on table.  Mostly just watched,  I may help sometime if I get the opportunity.  I exercised with Teri.  A walk DVD.  We ate breakfast out on the  deck.  Denny put a sealer on the deck, washed Nancy's car and vacuumed the inside.  About noon we watched a netflicks and napped.  At 2 we went and helped with the food pantry until 4.  Then we went to  C&C wings.  Back to swim at the pool, then watch a Netflix on the deck.  What a beautiful night!!! So pretty

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beach at sunset relaxing

I went to exercise class earlier this morning ... if you are not 10 minutes early you are late at Four Seasons. We ate out on the deck and watched 4 turtles on a log. Denny is all set to fix the drip under the sink. He is having a hard time loosening the faucet. Then he got the right tool from Danny. Off to Lowes ... I typed To Kill questions on a google doc. I picked up leaves in the front yard and took the ladder to Sylvia's. I picked a few avocados off her trees. About 3 Denny was all done fixing the new faucets and sink plugs. We went to Port Isabel for hamburgers. Cute place with great burgers. Then to the beach We walked for about an hour, then I lay down and took a short nap. Jensens kids are staying in a tent tonight in the back yard ... The folks are taking bets.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

In the trailer

Woke at 6:30.  Was down to join two gals exercising at 7:03.  At home Denny fixed the last of the eggs plus we had JD sausage and pineapple.  Mainly we cleaned the trailer, took out the rug, wiped all the floors, I cleaned the microwave and that area and cleaned the refrig.  About 1 we had a salad and took Sylvia for a banana split at Popeii.  At 4 we walked to Shiels and then we went to Harlengen for supper.  at La ??? We had deep fried avocados with beef.  The meal came with rice and a taco.  Very good. Home about 8.  Watched a net flicks and slept.  I got up about 3;30 am and finished by doggy bag from supper.  Avocados even tasted good at that time.

Pictures of ladies visiting the flower garden yesterday   PEO meeting.

Kalli Kistenmacher, Kay Cork, Kay Bryan, Marcia Fehring, Karen Rector
Sandy Lacey, Kris Kistenmacher, Linda Hurd, Sandy Rickert, Marcia Moore, Kim Miller, Tammy Neubauer, Ann Holst, Liz Kistenmacher, Carol Goldsmith

P.E.O. Chapter CB, Ida Grove

Monday, August 10, 2015

Cleaning off the trailer siding

Another beautiful morning out on the deck.  About 10 degrees hotter that Iowa.  Denny fixed bacon, eggs and the last of the okra.  I started trimming a few branches off the big tree.  Denny started spraying off the trailer.  After noon I visited a good will.  Denny kept working.  He found the best cleaner for the siding.  I stopped at HEB and was lonesome for Walmart where I knew where most of the stuff was.  We chilled on the deck.  Then about 7 we walked to Buddies for brisket.  It was really good.  I suppose at this time I should say that we are walking alot on this vacation.  AND we are running a little.  We mainly do our running as we try to cross four lane traffic to get to the other side of the road.  Did I say that there are not very good pedestrian paths in this corner of Brownsville?  Missy sent me pictures of the PEO club that met out at the farm tonight.  It looked like they were having a good time.  This morning, I also picked the 4 avocados that were in the tree that grew from an avocado seed that Mom planted.  YUM!!  Hope they ripen.