Saturday, August 29, 2015

AM Car to Carroll ... PM Supper with daughters +

Up and worked on an IEP before heading to Carroll to get oil changed on Prius. I met Gail at 9:30. We went thrifting. I got Denny a juicer and a frame for Matt's family's picture. We ate Chinese. Then I mad a WalMart run. I went to Arthur to get the SS book to study the lesson for the 2nd grade class I am teaching this year. During the day they took the tramp over to Cherry Creek farm. At home, we unpacked, showered, then Mandy and Jason came. They helped fix Jalepino poppers. I fixed guacamole, creamy cucumbers, and green beans with butter, garlic, and almonds. Everything was so good. Dad did better on the Mexican hordeor drink. We were so full of poppers and guacamole, but we still found room for carnita, green beans, and cukes. Then we went to the fire pit and ate our apple crisp that Missy made. It was a beautiful night. So fun to be with family. Kids roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and watched a movie.

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