Friday, August 7, 2015

Working on the deck

Changed our mind, we trimmed the bushes by the resaca.  Tao brought his chainsaw for Denny to borrow and we carried lots of loads to the road.  We would take a break every so often.  I stopped by to visit with Sylvia.  Hope to take her for ice cream some afternoon.  We went to a movie.  Once again, I am reminded why I  don't go to R rated movies.  I dropped Denny off at Lowe's and I went to the Repeat Boutique.  Clothes there were half off so I got some clothes for school.  We stopped at HEB and bought steaks to grill and stuffed mushrooms.  Denny was excited about fixing okra.  We grilled and chilled and ate out on the deck.  The okra was very good.  We got Teri and Dan's number from Gail and invited them over to sit on the deck.  Another nice day in the valley.  Oh, yes.  When I spent $25 at Repeat I got a free dress up dress.  Pretty fun!!  :)  I broke a chair.

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