Thursday, August 6, 2015

Looks like a good day in the Valley

I am up and out on the deck, with my computer, eating blueberries.  Wonder what today will hold.   Denny fixed bacon and eggs for breakfast.  We looked online for Tordon to kill bushes if we cut them off.  Denny used a saw to bet debris from between the planks of the deck.  We went to the island about 2 and walked the beach.  We walked north and stopped to get some french fries and something to drink and then walked back.  We ate a Joe's Shrimp shack.  It was really good.  Before we went to the trailer Denny wanted to go to Lowe's.  He got some deck cleaner and protective seal.  We went to the pool, watched some movies and then to bed.  Good day in the Valley.  Mandy went to Missy's to make pesto and zucchini bread.  Luke and Karen are in Baltimore.  Matt and Becky are on vacation in SC, too.

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