Monday, February 29, 2016

Go Addison!!! Go Panthers!!!

Today is the day the KP plays in the State Basketball tourney.  Best of Luck.  Matt, Becky, and kids came to DM to watch with other cousins.  I'm sure a great time was had by all, even though they lost.
Regular school day.  Worked on BIP with AEA.   I got flowers for staff member after school.  I had left vase outside of Cindy's door with a note and she had them ready.  Denny grilled a wonderful steak that we shared and ate it with our salad.  Then we watched 2 espisodes of Friday night Lights.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday Funday

We fixed sugar donuts this am. Plus pineapple and whipped cream. Jensens left for Storm Lake and Pokey about 8:30. We picked up Nakas for donuts and finished reading George Muller. Six nice children in SS. I went to IG for groceries after church. Salad for lunch, naps, and cut up veggies for salad in jars. We should be good to go this week. We ent to prayer time a church. Nice bunch. We prayed for about all the church families.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Grand Time ...

... with the Grands  All stayed in bed until 6:30.  Anabel woke with a head ache.  (Missy brought over som medicine that helped)  We finished Beorge Muller book and started on some pictures for the book report.  G'pa went to work in Odebolt.  Each Grand took about a half hour bath.  Kids played and read and we got ready to meet Denny in Arthur to drive up to SC.  We ate crackers and cheese and jicama on the way.  Kids finished reading the next two chapters of Charlotte's Web.  First to the Leggo "Brick" display at the Art Center.  A homeschool family met me there.  That was so nice of them.  Then to the Children's museum.  The Launch Pad.   Kids had a great time there, they played for 3+ hours.  It was really hard to keep track of them.. Lots of kids and people, andlots to do in many places, and 3 of them and only 2 of us.  At 5 we went to eat at Famoous Dave's BBQ.  The brisket was really good.  Quick to at Goodwill to get a flower vase.  Then at Menards I bought some potting dirt, biodegradable some pots, and some flower seeds. I read from Sunday Story book for children about wormy apples.   Kids were home and in bed before 9.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Another Friday

Regular day at school.  I brought my gifts home tonight.  Missy brought over the kids for a stayvacation for Missy and Phillip.  Brooks read his book to me.  I read a chaper of Charlottes' Web.  Evan fixed the parmesian bread,  Brooks browned the hamburger, Anabel fixed the noodles for spaghetti supper. At 7 there was a homeschool meeting/ talent show.   We all went.  Such fun to see all kidss doing their thing.   Picture of nice baby Ivy and sweet mama Jess.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Happy Birthday to me.

Linda texted me Happy birthday.  Nice of her.  I got the pineapple, grapes, blueberries,strawberries,  and cinnamon rolls loaded up and took them to school.  The staff seemed to enjoy the fruit and sweets, not too much left.  The resource staff gave me lots of nice gifts.  Lindor chocolates,  breakfast yogurt bites,  a succulent in a mug, a neat garden frog, a package of peanuts, a Prairie Woman pretty bowl,  some lifesaver mints,  a napkin, flowered garden gloves, a garden blue spinner flower, a dozen Subway cookies, and a beautiful vase of flowers from Denny.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Early out and vertical in Odebolt

2 teachers gone from the room today.  The day started out well.  Visited with a student about IEP and work to do in study hall.  I am looking forward to a lunch of leftovers from last night's supper.   I just ate lunch and it was as delicious as I anticipated.  After school I took meeting notices to staff, then headed to Odebolt for vertical PD.  It went well.  At Sparkies I met a homeschooler.  I went home for a nap until 6.  Denny had brought salad jars for supper.  It tasted good.  I was so happy that Susan bough me fruit at Sams.  After Awana I got it ready to take to school tomorrow for a birthday treat.  Thank you, Jesus.  Help me live to serve you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Early b'day supper

With girls, Grands, Phillip and Den.  During school Ind. Living used the mixer.  AEA met with student to assess reading levels.  Lord, let it work out.  So happy I asked where a teacher got her great looking fresh fruit.  She said Sams.  I asked Susan if she would pick up fruit for me and she said Yes.  It made my day so much easier.  I did not have to go to Denison, instead I could come home and visit with Mandy.  The bread machine I had hoped to start baked with outo being connected right.  I think I wrecked the machine.  I tried to make lard cinnamon rolls, but they did not rise very well.  When Denny came home, the kitchen was still a mess from me making the rolls that did not turn out.  Uffta!  Mandy did clinical in IG then come to the sunroom to work on class work.  For supper she made a great salad with lemon juice for a dressing.  It was great.  Missy brought corn on the cob.  The hamburger steak that Denny made was fabulous.  AND they had chocolate French silk pie for dessert.  I read the story about the oyster and crab / us and out conscience and had the Grands pick out a shell.  Then I got a comb  AND a beautiful hand quilted pink bedspread.  I had seen in when I was with Mandy in a Cherokee antique store.   When I asked her to get it for me the next day, she said she went in and it had been sold.  So thankful that she lied to me.  She said it was from all 4 kids.  She took unclaimed family garage sale items to a consignment store and got $.  I think that might be a partial story, too.  :) It was a lovely early birthday supper.  Thanks,  everyone.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Some students absent

The day was less full. A couple of students weren't in classes. AFter school I worked on Comp Lit. Then home I started cinnamon rolls, then forgot to sugar and roll them up, so here it is 10:15 and I am still awake. UFFTA!! I did get most of an IEP done. Hopefully we won't add 2 more goals to it. YUCK It will make for mad personnel. Denny went grocery shopping and has mixed up a great meal for tomorrow night when girls are here for my early birthday.   Pictures of gymnasts are during Anabel's birthday that I wasn't there for because I was at the Women's retreat.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Chopped salad

Took Grands and Naka's for donuts. visited too long with Kim before SS class. I got a few groceries after church then checked an email at Schaller and found a note from good friend Mary Jo. I responded Hope you had a happy Birthday. I thought of you. Life seems too full at times, so I better reply now while I see the email. Then I am settling in for a Sunday afternoon nap. Thank you for your faithfulness during the storms of your life. I know the verses about Trusting the Lord and Leaning not on your own understanding, Caste your cares, God has not given us a spirit of Fear, Come to me all you who are weary, Be careful for nothing, Peace I leave with you. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you. ... But I fail to put them into practice. Lord, help me. Thanks for praying. I always need it. My storms seem minimal compared to Joy you find in your life. Thanks for the example. You are a precious friend to me. We napped a little, Then got to chopping salad for lunches this week. We are trying to put them in quart jars. Luke called and we had a good visit, then to prayer time at church. Denny did Laundry in sunroom watching.TV.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Gary came for a short visit

I got up and ahd devotions, then worked on an IEP.  Denny got a text from Brother Gary that said he was coming to IG to plan for his 40th Class reunion this June 24-26.  We cleaned house and He stopped for a quick visit about 11-11:45.  Good to see him.   In a way I just realized that he is about the closest thing to Denny as any person in the world.  That sure makes him special to me.  It was good to hear what his family has been doing.  Lord, Please work it out so me can see more of them.  It was about 4 years ago when Gary brought Howard to South Padre Island for Luke and Karen's  wedding.  What a gift of service and love.  It was and is so appreciated.
     Denny is out working on making a stand for recycle containers for Telephone closet.  I am in bed doing nothing.  Trying to recoop my sanity and   In the afternoon we walked and looked at the corncrib where Phillip may be setting up pens/crates for AI. We went to the root cellar to get my dahlia bulbs. I put them in the shower room in the basement. Hopefully they will sprout there. Missy had Sola kids overnight, Anabel is at Ames with G'ma Laurie, Brooks went to a friends in Odebolt. Denny set up the car wash and 4 vehicles got the first layer off. We visited with Missy and Phillip in the kitchen. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hurray ... Friday

I took Denny to work today so he can use the bank car and leave his pickup in the garage.  A student got scheduled change so not 2 study halls in a row.  Lunchtime mishaps, perhaps ISS. Two tests today for students.  Alg. 1 and Pancakes  Heading to meet Mandy after school.  She is working on a clinical in IG. I walked the trail and sent an email from my car. At 5:30 we got a cup of coffee and visited in the purple park. Then home. Denny had supper ready. We watched a movie, well I realized we had seen it before so I left the sunroom and went to work on an IEP in the bedroom.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Happy anniversary Luke and Karen!!!!!

Denny went to work early. I went early and filled up with gas. Then started final working on an IEP.  Wrestlers left for state meet.  Mrs. L went to classrooms so teachers could be in on the IEP.  Child Dev. went to Elementary school.  I appreciate Lynn so much.  She comes to every IEP and gets students registered for TAP.  I was thankful for teacher input and I feel that Will set up a good goal for vision.  It was good to have the meeting after school,  Lord, may it make a difference in behavior.  It always seems good to talk to students and parents.  Quick trip to Dose where I got a pair of snow pants and 2 packages of pipe cleaners.  Then back to school until after 7, working on next two weeks of classes.   I had put a ham roast in the crock pot and it tasted great with the salad for supper.  We talked in the sunroom and watched 2 episodes before going to bed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A long day

School, PD, Awana, and I am tired.   Lord, help Luann recover from her back surgery.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Brooks dental surgery

Didn't sleep well last night. Such is life. Missy and Phillip took Brooks to Carroll to get some root canals done. 4 years ago Evan had the same surgery. AT school we measured ingredients in Ind. Living. I also went to get groceries. I tried to give a probe to Flex student. It happened at 3. Then I left to get Grands and take them to Gymnastics. Home for another great salad by Denny. Watched some TV and them to bed. The picture was one Brooks made for his sister. So cute. Notes from Brooks: Anabel is awesome. And Anabel is a great teacher. I love everyone in the earth.

Back at school. Finished Ia. Assessments

I headed to school early, It looks like the sub got along okay. It took a couple extra class periods, but I think everyone is done with the tests. I scored about 15 writing probes. During Child Dev. I addressed an issue ofa student just sitting and doing nothing, I sent an email after school. After school I visited with English teacher and sent a text to arrange a meeting with student, parent and teacher. I was at school until after 7 and started to plan for the next two weeks. When I got home Denny had cut veggies for a wonderful salad. It was so good. Matt called to talk to Denny. We watched the Bachelor. Then to bed ... still talking about what a great weekend we had. Pictures from Eco Cruise:

Monday, February 15, 2016

Deleted Sunday post by mistake

We left for church about 7:45. Island Baptist had a good service. Message from Psalm 1. Who we spend time with is who we become. Then we went to hear Nancy & choir sing at the Episcopal church. We went to Pelican Landing for brunch. I bought a small shovel and clipper at Walmart. At home,we packed and Denny started to clean. I drove to 77 Flea market and bought jicama, pineapples, a pink handkerchief, and some other clothes. We visited in the screened in porch until Gail and Bruce took us to the airport. We girls took a small vase of Mom's roses to Gloria. Good flights all the way. I used the neck pillow I found at the airport the night we came and it worked pretty well. We ate sandwiches that I made in Brownsville with avocados, bacon and onions. We landed in Omaha after 10. Denny had checked his bag and after we got it, he drove home. He has President's Day off tomorrow. I slept. Home sweet home about omidnight..Thank you Jesus for a great long weekend.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Boat Eco ride between Port Isabel and South Padre island

Deck is beautiful this am. Sunshine, calm resaca, birds chirping. I have so much to be thankful for. It has been so nice being here with Denny and family. There was coffee and donuts at the community building as we got an update on what is going on at the park. I stopped at Gloria's for coffee. We left for South Padre about 10. The eco boat ride was really neat. At first they drug a net behind to gather water things from Lagoon Madre and examine them. There were puffer fish and star fish. At home we had crescent rolls and leftovers. Gail and I planted some potted plants in the cement chunk riff raff by the resaca. We will see how/ if they survive. We headed to meal at 5 and got there right before the prayer. Good food and nice visit. Then there was a dance. We danced alot. Then to the hot tub. There was no one else there and we relaxed. In fact, Denny said he thought he was walking on air on the way back to the trailer. Another great day in the Valley.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Looks like a beautiful day in the Valley

Watched The King's voice until 12:30 last night. Slept until 6:30. Out on the deck is beautiful this morning. Rasaca is still and calm. It is about 56 degrees. Denny fixed bacon and eggs again this am. I cut fresh pineapple We had coffee with Gloria about 9. Nancy picked us up to go to the Island. We stopped at a couple shops and then walked on the beach for about 30 minutes. Nancy was waiting after choir practice was done. We went to the library. I stopped at the silversmith across from the libray and he said he would soldier my rings together with gold on the back side and then if you wanted them to be separate it could be done. Email from RR saying it would be a good idea if the staff would email and let everyone know when they were going to be gone.   We used a gift certificate that Henderson had to Texas Road house.  Danny and Terry, Kathy and Johnny and the 5 of us.  It was good. We went to the hot tub before heading to bed.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

We're here!!!

Relaxing. Nice slow am. I got up about 7:30 and had coffee on the deck. So pretty, no wind. Denny stayed in bed until about 9 sweet island time. He fixed bacon & eggs, Nancy fixed wonderful rye toast plus grapefruit on the deck. After a walk around the park and visiting with Dan about steps, Bruce fixed us Kiboska sausages. They left to play bridge. I answered an email about a students accommodations during SPA test , Denny napped. Then we headed to walk the beach. Wonderful relaxing time. I picked up oyster shells for an object lesson. What a great time. Going back over the bridge traffic is slow moving Next to C&C wings. We went to the hot tub before watching TV and heading to bed.