Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Another snow day !!!!

Denny headed off to work before 8. He got stuck by Lindgrens, a neighbor pulled him out and he got to work about an hour later. I am putting Christmas family pictures in a 3 ring binder and watching Hulu. Hopefully, a plow will go past around noon so I can get to my haircut. No school, no Awana. I think teachers will be in school until May 31 now. UFFTA!! I took the big plunge and ordered 125 ABC rose , 210 Rocket mix, 210 Marachi Mix lisianthus plugs to be delivered the end of May. Wow! I like those flowers, Hope it works. The snow plow went by and so I am getting a haircut this afternoon. :) I cleaned the refrigerator and watched the Netflix movie about a woman with ALS You're Not You. Another sad one. The roads were 50-75% snow and ice covered, but I made it okay. Denny got his 3 week haircut, too. Then he went to Wall Lake for a visitation. Watched a little Hulu before going to bed.

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