Monday, February 15, 2016

Deleted Sunday post by mistake

We left for church about 7:45. Island Baptist had a good service. Message from Psalm 1. Who we spend time with is who we become. Then we went to hear Nancy & choir sing at the Episcopal church. We went to Pelican Landing for brunch. I bought a small shovel and clipper at Walmart. At home,we packed and Denny started to clean. I drove to 77 Flea market and bought jicama, pineapples, a pink handkerchief, and some other clothes. We visited in the screened in porch until Gail and Bruce took us to the airport. We girls took a small vase of Mom's roses to Gloria. Good flights all the way. I used the neck pillow I found at the airport the night we came and it worked pretty well. We ate sandwiches that I made in Brownsville with avocados, bacon and onions. We landed in Omaha after 10. Denny had checked his bag and after we got it, he drove home. He has President's Day off tomorrow. I slept. Home sweet home about omidnight..Thank you Jesus for a great long weekend.

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