Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Snow day. Blizzard Kayla

Why can't I sleep in??? Got to love each day on earth and  start them early???  Denny headed to work, only to come home about 11.  I watched a Netlfix movie A red Wagon and cryed a lot.  Watched a second movie the Little Boy.  Okay movie, cried a little.   Denny vacuumed and I moved furniture and dusted.  About 4 we went out, Denny moved snow and I looked around the farm,   First I went to the green house, then Phillip and I went to look at pigs.
Becca put this quote on Facebook: When God laid out the plan for your life, He knew every wrong turn you would make. Nothing you’ve done is a surprise to Him. The good news is, He has already lined up mercy for every mistake.  Joel Osteen Ministries 

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