Monday, October 31, 2016


FFun Day.  I left home about 6 and stopped in Atlantic from 7:30-8:30.   I got a couple gray things for a bedroom.  I picked up Kane and we ate lunch at a playground area at school.  At home we played leggos and took a nap.  Torren came home about 3:15.  The bacon I made for BLT's for supper filled the house with smoke, but the boys were troopers.  They started fans, opened doors.  

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Headed home

I got up around 7, Keith was out running and getting his 4 miles done. I picked a few dahlias before we went out of breakfast at Susie's.  We drove south and went to church at Trinity E Free.  Denny drove home after getting gas and McD.  Home about 4:30.  We walked about2 3/4 miles.  I went to Jensens to watch the Cubs play.  The tree out front is very pretty.


OFun to wake up and visit Keith's flowers.  It is amazing.  over 50 types of dahlias, a water falls and lots of garden interest, plus a sand trap and an area for practicing with a pitching wedge.  We took a 4 mile walk around his neighborhood.  About noon we left for Josh VK's wedding.  We are so thankful for GPS to get us where we need to go in the city.  The wedding was help in a beautiful chapel on the campus of Northwestern in St. Paul.  The reception was at the Edina Country club.  We had a lot of fun  visiting and dancing.  Back to Keith's about 10:30.  It has been fun to see Keith and Jane's home.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Fun day

Let's see it is Thursday.  Denny took a pretty sunrise picture on the way to work.  I cleaned out the inside of the  I went in to coffee at Judy's before Bible study.  After study I went to Doses and got a plastic thimble.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Laura to SR

I took Phillip to Warrens at 7.  Then to IG, me not remembering that this iw Wednesday and Dose doesn't open until Thursday.  I went home before I headed to SL to get Laura/  I saw Kim and newest grand daughter and then at 1 and took Laura to Sioux Rapids.  I worked in Becca's classroom from 1:30-3:30.  Then back to IG to take the dog home.  I went home to eat left overs from last night before heading to banana split night at Awana.  Thanks to Missy and HS girls for dishing up the ice cream.  22 guests were introduced at the Awana opening.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Omaha trip for lunch

Wow I slept in until 7:15.  I got a text from Mandy headed to SC.  I went to Teresa's about 9, then Susan drove to Omaha.  We went to Whitney's new house on 60th street.  What a great house!

Omaha trip for lunch

Wow I slept in until 7:15.  I got a text from Mandy headed to SC.  I went to Teresa's about 9, then Susan drove to Omaha.  We went to Whitney's new house on 60th street.  What a great house!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Lots of little projects

I started to finish the edge of a quilt that I have used for many years.   I made onion dill bread.  I made honey buns.  I made focaccia.  I went into town for Denny's appointment with Bissel.  He does not need to see the Dr. again for a year.  Denny cleaned out the eaves before the rain tomorrow.  I watched tv and sewed on the quilt.
Pictures from Missouri Johnsons:  Sweet!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Funday

Donuts with Grands before SS.  Good object lesson on seeds.  Seeds, like our words, yield a harvest of good or bad.  What ever we plant.  Seeds can bear fruit when they are not planted right away, but are planted later.  Seeds have life in them.  Words have life in them.  We remember when someone spoke good or bad into our lives with their words. We had a quick lunch and then to bed for naps and to watch Heartland.
I finished the book Crucified by Christians by Gene Edwards  (Healing for Christians who have been ...)  Healing book which lead me to see the importance of knowing that God brings hard times into our life to help us surrender to His perfect will.  Lord, may my will be surrendered to your perfect will for my life.  Denny washed the car in the afternoon.  Soup supper for Arthur.  Pulpit search meeting tonight.

Jensen pictures:

I read this quote:
Someone who had terminal cancer once said, "don't be sad for me, we all come to this world to be a tourist, enjoy life, sightseeing, do good deeds and I just so happen to leave earlier than others."  uffta

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Cleaning the basement by Denny

Denny worked in Odebolt this am.  I went to Storm Lake and took clothes to SOS.  Then I got makings for banana split and left them at church.  In the afternoon Denny started to clean in the basement.  We took breaks every so often.  It is 8 pm and he is still cleaning in the basement.  It really looks nice.  I am tired.  It is now 11 and Denny is still cleaning.

Friday, October 21, 2016

New carpet in the basement

After Denny left for work, I just hung around all day.  The carpet layers came about 10.  I would go down and look at their progress about every 30 minutes.  They left around 3.  It really looks good.  At 6 I went to pick up the grands and take them to the home school skating party.  Nice bunch of people there.  They skated from 6:30- 9.  

I found this idea:

Ready to plan your own crappy dinner party? Here's how to do it. (Because we are from southern Ontario, we needed to make rules.)
  1. No housework is to be done prior to a guest's arrival.
  2. The menu must be simple and not involve a special grocery shop.
  3. You must wear whatever you happen to have on.
  4. No hostess gifts allowed.
  5. You must act like you're surprised when your friend and her family just happen to show up at your door (optional).
Although we regularly break the crappy dinner rules, Laura and I are seeing each other more often, and there's definitely nothing crappy about that. There is an old proverb that says, "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
Crappy dinner is all about placing priority on what truly matters, and about accepting life — and motherhood — for all of the beautiful, crappy things it throws your way.
Beans and wieners, anyone?

Pictures are of playing ball at Craigs and Playing ball at our home.  :)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Food pantry

Nancy left for Madison about 9:15.  I went in to IG and Anna gave me a perm.  Mandy called while I was there.  After it was done, I stopped  by Judy K and had a cup of coffee and played with Tori, her great grand daughter.  At 1:30 I went to Bible Study at Ginny's.  Then to Arthur to help with the food pantry.  Lots of people were working there.  We served 42 boxes of food for those who could not make it and 60 family units that came and filled up boxes.  I got home about 6.  Denny was out walking.  The carpet guys come tomorrow.  We watched This is Us before going to sleep.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A great day!!

Denny left early for a training meeting.  I headed to IG to get paint to touch up the basement rooms.  The green paint is the wrong shade.  Maybe I can paint the closet with that paint.  Nancy and I went to the Junkery.  It was fun to look at all the stuff.  Kim and Allie and Kalia came for lunch.  They made some switchplates with the stain that was rubbing alcohol based.  I went to get the Grands at 1.  They took baths here, practiced Awana verses, worked on Nancy's craft project, and at 5 Missy and Phillip came over for supper.  Nancy went with us to Arthur. It has been so nice to have her visit.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fun day

My sister Nancy came to visit. We ate lunch under the tree.  We played with color in the sunroom.  At 3:30 we went to Nancy R.  and looked at her stuff.   We got to Cherokee at 6.  Mandy showed Denny the work she wanted done with a bobcat.  Fun time looking at Cooks' home and having a great meal.  What a great day!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Sister fun

Great day.  I met the sisters at Avoca at 8:30.  We drove to Fremont, Neb and were at the quilt store when it opened at 10.  Perfect.  Nice store.  We shopped until 12 and then ate lunch, talked and laughed.  Back to Avoca by 2:20 and home by 4.  I grilled some pork burgers for supper and after we ate I went out and tilled along the flower beds.  I am so thankful to Phillip for putting on new belts.  Missy is in DM today and Tuesday.  While I tilled Denny walked 3 miles.  Wow, what great weather.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sun day Fun Day

Took Grands for donuts.  On the way to church I realized if I went with sisters on Monday I would not be available to pick up Grands after school.  Uffta.  Double Uffta.  I watched more of Texas flip and move.  Luke ran in DM race today.
Pictures of Craig and Grands.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Great fruitful day

We got a lot done.  We got the carpet from 2 basement bedrooms carried out to the machine shed.  In the sister call I learned that the other 3 sisters were going to spend Monday together going to Fremont.  I dug up all the dahlia bulbs.  Denny scraped off all the tile in the basement kitchen and carried it out.  Denny put a new fixture on the leak by old water tank.  We moved the oval water tank from around the square cattle water tank and put styrafoam around the cattle water tank to prevent freezing.  We started to clean the floors and then got ready and left for Denison movie.  The Magnificient 7 (with coupons from Jensens) and went to DQ after the show with a gift card (from Pat B).  I called Gail and she said there would be room for me to go with the other 3 on Monday. I will have to switch my perm around.
Pictures of Katie and family:

Friday, October 14, 2016

At home

I did a random variety of tasks.  I finished putting canned goods back into the cold closet.  I sosrted thru tall closet in the kitchen, I took apart the beds in the basement to get ready for new carpet and moved them into the living room.  I put the frost covers back up in the CSA loft. I called Judy to visit.   I fixed supper:  meatballs, potatoes with onion soup mix, corn cheesey casserole.  Hurrah!! The Jensens are coming over.
Hanna family:

Thursday, October 13, 2016


I was at Susan's by 8:05.  We headed to the Orpheim.  The symphony only lasted 50 minutes.  We headed back to IG to meet Naomi, Teresa and Tasha at Zimmies for lunch.  I took 15 flowers to the Food pantry.  I stopped at Bomgaars and got belts for the rototiller.  I took the FM markers to Becky R.  Then to Ginny's for Bible Study.  Denny and I walked 2 .5 miles before supper.  After supper we chilled on the deck.  Denny was loving on his cat and dog at the same time.  No wonder we smiled when Matt sent the picture of Kane loving on Sadie Mae.
Then Luke texted pictures of his Wednesday with friends.  Lots of lol comments from siblings.  Doesn't he look cute?