Saturday, October 15, 2016

Great fruitful day

We got a lot done.  We got the carpet from 2 basement bedrooms carried out to the machine shed.  In the sister call I learned that the other 3 sisters were going to spend Monday together going to Fremont.  I dug up all the dahlia bulbs.  Denny scraped off all the tile in the basement kitchen and carried it out.  Denny put a new fixture on the leak by old water tank.  We moved the oval water tank from around the square cattle water tank and put styrafoam around the cattle water tank to prevent freezing.  We started to clean the floors and then got ready and left for Denison movie.  The Magnificient 7 (with coupons from Jensens) and went to DQ after the show with a gift card (from Pat B).  I called Gail and she said there would be room for me to go with the other 3 on Monday. I will have to switch my perm around.
Pictures of Katie and family:

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