Monday, October 3, 2016

Bummer my posts evaporate after I spent 20 minutes typing them.

The blog I started evaporated.  Uffta!! I was typing and then the words I typed disappeared.  How frustrating.   The day was good, and s0 I typed a lot about the day right before I went to bed.  The words evaporated,  so I just went to sleep.  Let's see if I can remember about Monday.   I got a fun text when I woke up,  Rose T. said that it was Mildred's birthday and she told Rose that she wanted some flowers from my garden.  So I fixed her a bouquet.  I took them to IG and gave them to Brook at the bank.  She was going to take them up to her grandma at noon.  I walked 2 miles on the trail.  I did not hadve good walking shoes, because I had not planned to walk.  So part of the trail I went in the grass barefoot.   I came home to start the huge job of going through my clothes.  Some for here, some for Texas, some  for Goodwill.  6 bags of Goodwill stuff.  While I was cleaning I came upon the flier/email for Tri for the Cure in 2013.  Notice the bottom right hand picture. We did not get any royalty for the picture, but it was a hoot to see it.  Denny and I walked after supper.

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