Friday, October 21, 2016

New carpet in the basement

After Denny left for work, I just hung around all day.  The carpet layers came about 10.  I would go down and look at their progress about every 30 minutes.  They left around 3.  It really looks good.  At 6 I went to pick up the grands and take them to the home school skating party.  Nice bunch of people there.  They skated from 6:30- 9.  

I found this idea:

Ready to plan your own crappy dinner party? Here's how to do it. (Because we are from southern Ontario, we needed to make rules.)
  1. No housework is to be done prior to a guest's arrival.
  2. The menu must be simple and not involve a special grocery shop.
  3. You must wear whatever you happen to have on.
  4. No hostess gifts allowed.
  5. You must act like you're surprised when your friend and her family just happen to show up at your door (optional).
Although we regularly break the crappy dinner rules, Laura and I are seeing each other more often, and there's definitely nothing crappy about that. There is an old proverb that says, "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
Crappy dinner is all about placing priority on what truly matters, and about accepting life — and motherhood — for all of the beautiful, crappy things it throws your way.
Beans and wieners, anyone?

Pictures are of playing ball at Craigs and Playing ball at our home.  :)

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