Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thursday December 1

In the am I prepped the soup ingredients, baking potatoes, cooking bacon. sauteing onions and celery, I headed into IG and stopped at Doses.  Then stopped at Judy's, Then to Ginny's for study.  At home I cleaned out the Prius and got the Jeep out to use to drive east tomorrow.  We ate the soup and packed for Dubuque.  

Wednesday November 30     Ben's birthday

Last Wed of month is trash day, so I took out lots of garbage.  I moved a few pieces of carpet.  Called Medicare and asked how part D increase would be billed.  Nor real sure I understood the answer to my question.  I left for Storm Lake about 11. AT SOS, I bought a pretty picture for the purple room.  Lord, please heal. I picked up Laura and at Sioux Rapids I worked on a couple of bulletin boards for Becca.  During 8th hour I helped Laura read an interactive book.  It was fun to visit Ben and Becca's home. We had Casey's pizza and I took some to church for supper.

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