Friday, November 18, 2016

Helped at Olde Town

 Slept until 6.  We are taking care of the Jensen dogs tonight.  I worked sorting thru junk in bunk house until about 12. Then to Shopko to get quilt / cover for a Dubuque gift exchange. I stopped at Judy's house for a quick visit before heading to Olde Town.  At 2:30 a bus load of 35 guests came. They were on a mystery bus ride from Iowa Falls, They had stopped at Twin Lake, the winery and then on their way to SC Mannheim Steamrollers.  It was nice, there was a chair for everyone. At home we used some of the beef from Thursday night and fixed Stroganoff.  It was wonderful!! Movie at night ... and call it a day.   Nice pix of Nakas on Facebook. 

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