Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sioux Rapids

Let's see, what did I do yesterday?  I was around home until 10:30, them I headed to Storm Lake.  Quick stop at SOS, then I got Laura at BV.  Off to SR.  Becca had me staple some papers together,  Next I put tape on paperback books and put some little Newhouse Thanksgiving art projects on a bulletin board.  I had root beer and granola bars for snacks for Grands.  I took Laura to IG and picked up pizza for some at church.  Pat, Denny, Larry, Sandy, Laura and me.  Need prayer for some 3rd graders who struggle with making good choices.  Becky sent the picture of Torren in a skinny leg flannel pants that I got at a give away price.  Oh, my,  no wonder they were sooooo cheap.  

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