Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank you veterans!!!

Our county paper put out an amazing edition.  They had families submit pictures and information on all the veteran in our area.  It was so good to look thru the 200+ vets.  It told where they were from, in which branch they served, their parents, their siblings, their spouses, their children, their term of service.  Many had several family members: parents, children, siblings. What a sacrifice they made.  I am so thankful.
Today is Denny's day off.  He has been doing some honey do s for me.  He fixed the end table for green room in basement.  He tilled the garden south of the coop.  The oil got changed on bobcat.  We left for Cherokee about 5.  I stopped and got antibiotic in IG.  After a great supper with Mandy and Jason, the guys mounted the TV on the west wall of the living room.  Thanks you veterans for your service to our country. 

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