Sunday, November 13, 2016

Full Saturday

Mandy fixed us an amazing breakfast.  They started working outside and I gave my sisters a call aabout 8:30.  Denny got lots done,   One big buried stump was removed; Jason  dug around it and Denny pryed it out with the bobcat.   Next fences and poles pulled up and pushed/dragged to burn pile, that increased immensely in size during the day.  Hauled in dirt to level off area by big tree.  Hauled dirt by chicken coop.  Pulled up 2 big volunteer trees behind the osprey row.  Great lunch by Mandy.  Her friend Bethany came to visit and see the place.  The last job was the dirtiest; Denny sawed off a big pipe coming into the basement.  Jan and John came over for another great meal about 7.  Great visit and in bed by 10.  Great day, got a lot done.   


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