Tuesday, November 8, 2016


I left about 8 and went to vote in Arthur.   Then to IG to get paint.  I got paint for south wall of the green room and dark blueblack paint for the window seat.  I stopped in Danbury to visit home school family.  My appointment with Dr. Hunt was at 1:30.  It went ok, she sent in some lab work, should getr results in a week or so.  I went home through Mapleton and visited with 2 hs home school students.  On a whim I texted Cathy H. and we walked together for about an hour. It was good.  When we got home Denny and I chilled,  and started to listen to election results.  I stayed awake until President elect Trump got the concession call from Hillary!  Wow, unbelievable.  NBC media was flabbergasted.  It was funny to watch their denial of it actually taking place.   So negative.  Trump gave an amazing speech.  It was so good.  Lord, guide our nation.

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