Up for breakfast and reading before Grands head to school. I did a load of wash on third floor outside with the hope that my clothes will be somewhat dry by the time I head to Kisc at 1:30. I finished washing dishes and went for coffee at the Porch where 3 Australian youth were waiting to catch a ride to Pokahara to work a week in a children’s home. Then to ToW coffe where I commented on the beautiful plants and the owner invited me to his wife’s nursery to see her handiwork. Hope it works out. At TOW I was sitting for a long time and stood up, not realizing my foot was asleep. Uffda!! I sprained my ankle and I fell down. Ouch!! my walking will be a little slower, (At least we are not going on a trek this year.) I also got home and realized my phone was at TOW. Thank you Phillip for "scooter"ing to retrieve my phone. I went to school about 1:30 ;to help with a STEM class that Missy usually teaches. I thought the kids did a great job. It was fun! The kids did not have music practice because of bad roads. At home a family came to look at bikes. We ate at 5, Missy went to work at school. We watched PBS news and called it a night.

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