Thursday, February 13, 2020

February 12 Happy birthday Rose!!

Rose is 3!!!!  It was so fun to see your video of birthday fun!   We can hardly wait until you come down to Texas.  Pictures from Texas visit February 2020.

I spent the night in the Dallas airport.  There were about 6 from our flight that tried to get comfortable in a  lounge area in the airport. None of us slept well.  I had 3 chairs to make a place for me to lie down.    Around 4 we all were awake and we went to Applebees for breakfast and a cup of coffee when it opened at 5.  There was a little stress because we weren't sure which gate/terminal were were departing from.  We were at D7 and then were told to go to B15.  Uffda!!  We left the airport about 7, after trying to find the right gate.  We finally got home @Brownsville around 9:30.  I called Denny while we were taxi ing and he arrived just as I got my luggage from claim area.  So good to be back at 4 Seasons.  i took a nap and Bill and Kathy invited up to go to CandC wings.  Afterwards we went to their fire pit with 6 others.  Nice time visiting.  Rose called and I took the FaceTime in their bedroom.  At home I was chilled.  It was good to have Denny to put my cold toes on.  :)

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