Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tuesday February 11th ... Still not home

I'm not sure exactly where I was at midnight and my way back to the states.  I started at Kathmandu about 9 pm and got to Daho about midnight.   I found the lounge and paid my $55 dollars to eat and rest for 6 hours.  I found a sofa that was vacant and laid on it.  The scrambled eggs were good.  I took a shower before 7 and then found my terminal and gate to the next flight which was scheduled to leave about 8"30.   On the flight from Doha to Dallas I sat between and man and his 8 year old son.  It was a 15 hour flight.  I snoozed a little.  We arrived in Dallas about 3 pm.  I had to pick up my luggage and take it to American Airlines so I could be issued a boarding pass.   The AA didn't have me on the B'ville plane roster, but I was added and issued a boarding pass.  I had a 5 honor lay over there, so I slowly  got to the right gate.  It was rainy and chilly, but we took off close to the scheduled time.  I think because I was omitted from the last Dallas to Brownsville flight they bumped me up to first class, so I was asked as I found my seat in 4 A if I wanted a drink.  Sweet.   It was a non eventful fllight,  but as we were coming down to B'ville we could all of the sudden feel the plane turn it's nose up and we headed back to Dallas.  Uffda!!  I guess they couldn't see the runway.  Denny waited for me at the B airport and then a lady came out and said our flight couldn't land and we were headed back to Dallas.  He went back to the trailer.  There was a lot of confusion when the 200 of us existed the plane.  I was offered a voucher to a motel 7 miles away and told our flight would take off at 6:30 the next morning.  It was after 1 and Instead of leaving and getting transportation to and from motel, and having to go thru security again, I decided just to stay in the airport.  I kinda globe on to a couple from Quad citied Liz and Steve and a couple from Iowa City, Janelle and Tom. and hung out with them.  I had earplugs and 3 airline blankets and 2 donut neck pillows, Tylenol pm  and 3 chairs to sleep on.

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