Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Helped at school AND team meeting

Up for the day,  I cooked ham, bacon, cheese sauce, blanched broccoli,and cut up onions before heading to Kisc.  At school I helped Savannah with math, went to primary break time, and visited Brooks class while they were doing reading and writing,  I came back to finish food prep: mushroom and onions, ranch dressing, shred cheese, set out plates and napkins, started to bake potatoes and reheat meat, cheese sauce and broccoli.  At 3 I went to watch some of Brooks soccer and Anabel’s singing.  I left about 4 to finish food prep.  5 members of team really enjoyed the meal .  The carrot cake with the flaming candle that Mike and Cindy brought was amazing.  We ate, had prayer time.  Nice people.  Good Day.  

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