Friday, May 8, 2020

Another productive day ... but I keep thinking it is Saturday

Great night of sleeping.  Denny and I were out and trimming tree shrubs along the creek by 9 am.  SO good to get it done and it looks so much better and SO good to accomplish it with Denny.   Back at home Denny bobcat'ed the making of a shooting range.  I raked soil, cut carpet strips, Planted tomatoes, zinnias, and set the sprinkler on the grass seed that Denny planted.  It was a full day. Then I picked the flowers for Mary Kay's Mother's day bouquet and put them in the refrigerator.  After a great supper that Denny fixed of Hollandaise asparagus, we spent time watching "Win the Wilderness".   Oh, my,   Life is good.  And I don't have to go to Alaska to homestead a place and because here there is lots of work I can do everyday. 

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