Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Car serviced in Carroll

Wow, it's chilly this am.  Not working outside.  Denny commented to me, "We are really getting "woosie" about temperature.  50 degrees is really not cold, but we relatively think it is cold.  Brr."  I ordered 95 flowers for Gloria who is having her 95th birthday this month.  May 26.  She was a good friend of my mom.  They met at 4 seasons and had a friendship that spanned 30 years.  We called and got the Prius serviced in Carroll at 1 pm.  At home we had Mexican and watched tv.  Luke sent a video of Lincoln's first steps.  How exciting that he was there working from home and got to see Lincoln's first steps.   Kane has been drawing and coloring.  It looks so fun!!   Prayers go out to Renea and her family as they have a funeral for her cousin.   So sad.  My heart breaks for them.

My beautiful Grand, who loves to run.

My beautiful Grand who is learning to walk. 

My beautiful Grand, who is enjoying drawing.

 This was a wonderful day for me, but some families are mourning with loss,  deep loss.
This is such a promise of Christ, believers will meet again,  He goes to prepare a place for us.
We never have to say goodbye. 

Gloria, we celebrate your 95th birthday this May.

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