I was still in bed, but awake when Missy called from N. So good to hear her voice and hear about her day. She sent a MD email. Love!!! I got a 3 ring binder from basement closet and looked at the MD letters my kids have sent over the years. LOVE! Matt called as they got home from St. Joe and we visited. He chuckled when I asked him about 3 memories from this year and a memory of Newhouse family get together. He sent a text with a cute job interview for Mom position video. Mandy sent me a text of her MD letter this year. LOVE!!! We left for Cherokee about 2. When we got to highway 20 I realized I had not put the flowers for the nurses that Mandy works with in the car, so Dad happily went back to get them. We got to Cooks about 4. Luke called just as we were pulling into their yard and I sat in the car to talk. It was good to visit and FaceTime with the Grands. He had sent a MD letter earlier in the day that I had not seen. LOVE!! It was fun to be with Jason and Mandy's family and explore their yard, Jacks "new to him" swing set, eat lasagne, give a bath to boys, read books, watch Michael Jordan on TV, visit and head to bed. SO much to be thankful for!!!!

Family headed to Minneapolis
N. - place for Missy's family
The family in Minneapolis

The daughter in Cherokee

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