Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tordon and trees

I got up at 7.   We went out about 10 to trim trees and put tordon on the cut trunk.  Denny was so happy to get it done.  He would cut the small to larger trees with a chain saw and I would spray on the killer juice.   We went thru 4 bottles and had to go to Denison.  JD R. had texted me to see if I could put together flowers for Mother's day.  I said, "Sure".  When we were in Denison, I got flowers from Walmart to add to my garden flowers for Mary Kay and 4 nurses that Mandy said she would like to give flowers during Nurses week.  After a quick nap we headed back out to finish Tordon on the south side of the soldier River that flows thru the farm.  Steak and salad for supper.  It was So good.  We watched Win the Wilderness.  Now, I think Denny and I could do this.... ????  Interesting.  But not ready to start tomorrow.

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