I was happy to get up at 5:30 and head north to Cherokee. I took 5 flower arrangements and 7 asparagus for Mandy to deliver to clinic. It was such a fun day!!! After playing in the house, we3 went outside and took the stroller west about a quarter of a mile until the next place. I put Tyler down for a nap and Jack and I stayed outside. SO fun!! After his nap, Tyler and I followed Jack as he lead us on the trail past the chicken coop to the fire pile ending at the swap set park. Jack did a major job cleaning up one of Pipers nasty piles. We ate an early lunch, so we could play with Jason at noon. Naps, and get ready to go to G'ma's house for the weekend. I stopped a couple times on the way home. Thrift store and got a couple life jackets, and garage sale and got several (18) 4T items. NO Casey's pizza skills to order online, so no pizza for supper. At home one brave goldfinch came to the feeder.
Thank you for your flower order!
May 29,2020
Spring flowers:
Iris: purple/yellow/pink/Siberian
Chive-purple blooms
Cedar pine- greenery
Lilac- greenery
Weigela-Wine &Roses
1spring daisy
1 peony bud
Lily of the valley
Please do not take beige plastic glass that I use for delivery.
When you get home:
Remove rubber band and place flowers in vase with fresh water.
Remove top iris bloom by cutting when it wilts, then more blossoms will open.
Change water every other day.
When you change the water Cutting ends off the stems helps flowers last longer.
Remove blossoms from vase as they wilt.
Faith Johnson
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