Saturday, May 23, 2020

Work day!!

Denny fixed breakfast and then Mandy and I went to Lakeview ... Bummer ... the home that was "heavily on Toddler 4 stuff" wasn't.  So where to next!!!  We should have called home before we headed home 'cause the guys were in IG.  I mistakingly made a sister call and distractingly we left Lakeview.  The job when guys got home was "getting scrap metal out of a decade old dirt pile".  Mandy, Jason and Denny with the bobcat did the work, I watched with the boys.  Jack did help G'pa run the bobcat.  We took a lunch break and the boys went down for a nap.  There was some afternoon left when most of iron was retrieved and so on to the next job. The area above the shop was a mess.  Actually disgusting with all the raccoon poop and nasty stuff.  The bob cat took loads fun to the trash hole that is in the grove.  YUCK!!  BUT another job bites the dust!!!
After pizza under the pine tree, Cooks put the littles in bed and we sat around the fire pit.  It was a beautiful day evening.  SO good!!!

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