Wednesday, August 19, 2020

47!!! Happy anniversary Tuesday August 18

Thank you, Jesus, for my husband.  I love him so much.  I left early to go to Battle  Creek and look at a patio table, but it wasn't what I was looking for.  Then to OGT and post office and Lewis Drug and Malcolm and grocery store.  When I got home the Grands were finishing breakfast.  Denny had been working on the foundation and he and I worked until 4 AND GOT IT DONE!!!!  Of course there are a few things we might redo, but we could walk away from it right now and never work another minute on it.  We chilled and then got cleaned up to go to Sac County Cattleman's with the Grands.  Well, it wasn't  SCC open, so we went to Dock it in Lakeview.  Great meal!!! Nice time with Grands.  Drove thru State campgrounds.  We have so many good memories from thee.  At home we were up with kids until midnight when their classes were done.  

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