Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Home school picnic

 Up and outside, taking the humpback trunk to the cabin and filling it.  I had devo down by the reservoir and went to OGT.  Orville from Early, who just happens to 103 stopped for a visit at OGT.  He usually volunteers, but has not since covid.  BUT HE STILL MOWS NEIGHBOOR'S LAWNS,  irons his own shirts, drives ladies to the grocery store.  If only I could be so with it at 103!!!  Uffda!!  I got a curtain rod for cabin at Malcolms and went to Joann's to get a baby swing.  At home Denny had blown grass off the concrete, sprayed for bugs, made swedish torches, and fixed a swing.  I washed the dressup clothes and put tablecloths on 9 tables.  Then I took a nap.  Rachel got here around 5:30.   At 6 about 9 families with 60 people came for potluck supper.  Beautiful night.  I had a great time visiting with Susan.  


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