Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lovely day at home with Jensens and cook boys

I got up around 5:30.  Jack must have heard me and I took him to the bathroom, got a drink of chocolate milk, and tucked him back in bed,  He slept until 7:30.  I went in to look at Tyler in the dark.  Felt portacrib close to door ... no baby ... felt closer to middle of portacrib ... no baby ... Praise!!! he was curled up with cute little butt in the air in the furthest 1/4 of crib away from the door.  SO thankful that baby had not evaporated!!!!  Denny fixed breakfast and they ate on the deck.  Brooks and Evan and A took the littles.  I planted some day lilies, and tried to transplant some peonie roots that I dug up at Nancy's.  Missy went into IG to get a prescription for Phillip, walk with Ranae, and get books for Evan.  Tyler is morning napping and I an blogging on the patio.  Beautiful day!!

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