Sunday, August 2, 2020

Happy anniversary Mandy and Jason

Congrats  Mandy and Jason!!!


Hello, my name is Missy Jensen, the matron of honor.  I am the bride’s older 8 years.  First off, I would like to thank Mom & Dad, Jan & Jon and Jason & Mandy for this great celebration.  Every detail was considered in honor of their friends...thank you for coming, you have made it a perfect day! 

I am honored to be standing here next to Mandy & Jason.  Thank you for letting me play a role in your special day.  For my toast, I will be carrying on a little tradition.  Mandy & I like to make up silly rhymes while giving gifts to our family.  So tonight I have written a little poem & will be calling on our brothers, Matt & Luke, for assistance.  So, sit back, relax & enjoy.  This is our toast to our little sister, Mandy.  

This is our sister, who you all know
We had the joy of watching her grow

(Matt, pointing)
I was 9, she was 7 and he was 2
In 1986, all our wishes came true

At the sitters, we waited for the call
When I heard, “It’s a girl,” I almost pulled the phone off the wall!  

I helped to pick out her middle name
Now, I had someone to always blame

To Dad she was always “Princess Mandy D” 
I could amaze her with magic shows put on by me!  

She won us over with her big brown eyes
And the way she gets excited about a surprise

Skidamarinkadinkadink, and a bushel & a peck
She adds a song to our lives...and a hug around our neck

Our buddy, companion, sister and friend
The fun and adventure with you never ends

Camping, swimming, sleeping under the stars
On a cot...why not?  It was never bizarre!  

You were my biggest fan, that I could claim
I could count on your hug, after my game

Growing up on a hog farm, the lessons we’ve learned
Sorting, shots, CASTRATING...why haven’t you returned?!?

Bike rides, Grand Canyon & Boundary Waters
All involved road trips...which made us great squatters!

As you grew older, it was us watching you
Have success, in so many things that you do

Watching cross country & seeing you run
Filled me with pride, it was so much fun!

Atlanticfest, triathlons & road races
We’ll compete with you, whatever the case is

Not an accountant, a teacher or an engineer
But a nurse is the path, you chose for your career

We watched your focus, on all your studies
While still leaving time, to party with buddies! 

Visiting you in Colorado, was never a bore
While skiing, you NOW leave us...rather sore

You are the aunt, all our kids love
Your craziness & laughter, rises above

Your care for our grandparents, was a selfless sacrifice
One decision, on which, you never thought twice

Now look, you’re all grown and ready to marry 
We have, high expectations, for the groom to carry

(Luke, adding quotation marks)
He must be a friend, “You can tell everything to”
He will fully support you, in all that you do.  

He will be the guy who will, “make you smile”
And keep you laughing, all the while.  

We knew true love had just begun
When you couldn’t stop talking about, “Jason”  

He’s crazy, he’s grounded, he’s just what you need.
You two are the perfect match, yes indeed.  

We thank God for bringing you together
We pray you will look to Him, in all types of weather.  

Jason, we welcome you to our family
We hope you enjoy our insanity.  : )  ?!?

Mandy, we love you, you’re our little sis.
We end our poem with a happiness wish.

Please raise your glasses & toast, Mandy & Jason
“May the Lord bless you and keep you,
May His face shine on you and be gracious to you”  

Congratulations.  “To the bride & groom”  🥂

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