Saturday, August 1, 2020

It is nice to start Saturday with sister call

Up and quiet outside on patio.  As we had a sister phone call A HUMMINGBIRD came around my Mandevilla.  That made me SO happy!!!!!
Wild August flower farm in Texas story:

Something beautiful happened at @themarketatwildaugust last night. We had hundreds of peonies come in on Thursday, & as soon as word got out that they were finally here, the orders started pouring in (thank you for that!). I try hard to be organized all the time, but in all of the busy-ness, I mixed up two orders. It’s so important to me that our flowers make people happy, & I take mistakes like this to heart- so when Carmen walked in to pick up her order & we couldn’t find it, I felt awful. I apologized & offered to replace it for free when our next shipment comes in on Wednesday. Carmen was incredibly gracious & explained she had driven from San Juan to pick up the flowers & wouldn’t be back in Harlingen til next weekend. I felt even worse hearing that, & offered to drive the peonies up to San Juan Wednesday afternoon. Still smiling, Carmen explained that she couldn’t receive deliveries on Wednesday because she would be at work in one of the McAllen hospitals. Not only did I mix up an order, I mixed up an order of a *frontline worker* who had driven all the way to Harlingen to find out I didn’t have her flowers. We were trying to figure out the best way to make it right when Carmen said she had never actually seen peonies before & wondered out loud how big they are. I pulled an order out of the cooler so she could see them for herself & choose what colors she wanted me to order for her for Wednesday. While she was thinking, I turned to the woman who had come into the barn just in time to hear the end of the conversation. As Carmen turned to leave, Alma, the second customer stopped her. “Wait,” she said. “That’s my order,” & she pointed to the armload of peonies I was still holding. She continued, “I heard you talking, and I’m so grateful for your work in the hospital. Please take my peonies. I want you to have them.” Isn’t that extraordinary?! So Carmen left with Alma’s order, and what could have easily been a grouchy, difficult, frustrating situation was suddenly a remarkable display of kindness by both customers- who not only forgave my mistake without hesitation but also showed deep appreciation for each other. The world needs more Carmens & Almas, friends.

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