Monday, August 3, 2020

Ok, started work

Wow, I slept until after 7.   Now that doesn't happen very often.  We continued work on the foundation of the new-to-be-cottage-she-shed-bunk-house.  Denny, is amazing!!!  Think we have a plan.  We'll addd a 2x6 onto the existing one for support, stabilization and strength.  We used the bobcat to move the porch area closer to the side of the house.  Then we secured it by screwing 4 inch screws on both sides of the gap.  Hurrah!!! it looks like it may work.  We went to Kiron Lumber to get 2x6's and screws for project.  Missy and Phillip are headed to Mayo to have some continuing symptoms evaluated.  Please pray as you are reading this.  I went to IG to get meat from Farm to Table distribution.  We ate supper on the deck and at 8:30 got ready for the Jensen kids' school day to begin.

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