Thursday, December 31, 2020

Windy, cold ... and did I say Windy!!!!

Last day of the 2020 year.  Lord, continue to guide and show us how to live for Your glory.   Denny and I set up the computer in the living room.  We had to move some stuff around.  We went to Home Depot and got a couple of extension cords.  Bill and Kathy came for supper.  They first were married in 1995, hence it has been 25 years.  Great supper.  steaks, rice, green beans/bacon/garlic/onion,  Gail and Bruce came and ate rhubarb/strawberry dessert with us.  Wonderful night.

    Jeep   173,575
Pick up   165.246
    Prius   129,339

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Golf and Wings

 Mandy called before I left for Valley International Country Club with Gail and Bruce at 7:35.   She is proofreading booklet plans for January 4.  I played scramble golf with Jake, Bruce, and Joyce.   Our 4 some came in last of 3 groups.  We visited outside a little afterwards on the patio.  I took some takeout for Denny.  He had been working on photos in the cloud ... let's say 26,000 of them.  Oh, My  That's A LOT of pictures!!!  We went to the pool, because the next couple days are suppose to be colder.  We walked around the park to see Real's new construction.  They invited us to join them at C&C wings 2 for the price of one at 4.  :)  At 7 Griscelda came to visit on the deck.  She and John are in the middle of moving to Wisconsin the first week of January.  Lots of work for them to do and she just needed a break.

A REALLY big raccoon that Phillip shot in a tree!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fun day!!

I slept in until after 7.  Denny and I went online and found out that info from my blood donation showed I tested negative for Covid.  I went to get a perm from Toni about 10.  I stopped at the thrift store that Gail had seen a pink golf bag.  It was so fun to buy the golf bag with "don't ask won't tell" about the clubs in the bag.  Toni's salon is on Palm Boulevard.  I ended up with lots of curls.  I think I like "em.  Gail and I went thrifting on the island.   I bought nothin', but it was still so fun.  We got Joe's Oyster Bar carryout for supper.  After we got home Denny and I started to walk the park, but stopped at Real's and visited.  It was good to sit and visit on  their deck.  I came home to eat fish.  At night we watched tv.  Good day in the Valley. 

Sorry for the off color post... but I did think it was funny....


Monday, December 28, 2020

Tree trimming again

 Pickle ball 8-10.  Two big trucks from Magic Valley command trimmed the tree along the power lines above our deck.  We walked up to the office to check the mail.  We got a couple letters that we checked on later today.  Mert wanted a small tv that she could watch outside, so Denny transferred Mert's bigger bedroom TV to Bruce's little trailer and exchanged it for one of 3 small tvs in the small trailer.  We went to Walmart to get a tv cord for the hookup.  Mert was happy to be able to watch outside.  Matt and family are skiing/snowboarding.  We had a nice phone call with Missy so Denny could get help remembering the name of a Hultgren classmate.  

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday Beach time

I watched 2 church services from a lazy bed, then read my daily Bible in the hammock.  Wonderful start to the day.  We packed cheese slices, summer sausage, and crackers for a snack on the beach and got there about noon.   It was a beautiful day.  We just sat and watched people.  It was pretty busy and lots to look at.  There were 2 little guys about 2 and 4 that made us think of Jack and Tyler.  We stopped at Walmart before heading back to Brownsville.  Wonderful leftover meal complete with leftover pecan pie from Gail.  Another great day.    

Saturday, December 26, 2020

77 Market

I was up and playing pickle ball at 8.  Then at 10 we went to 77 Market.  Gail, Mert, Bransons, and me.  Lots of great produce.  $1 pineapple, tomatillos, tomatoes, black berries, strawberries, green beans, fresh coconut,  It was so fun.  AND Brad was there to haul our purchases.  Denny worked on trying to figure out why our refrigerator is leaking water.  Then he started to wipe down the Prius.  Looking forward to great leftovers for a meal later.  

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas

Fun to have a family/ friend get together on Christmas Day.  Finchers started the Wagyu brisket yesterday and kept tabs on it thru out the night.  It was SO good.  We put 6 tables under the car port and used red table clothes, flower arrangements, red center banner, Christmas glasses, napkins, silverware holder, and mini bag of treats.  They all came for chill time about 12 and planned to eat at 1.  Good to visit, Denny read the story " Whoever takes the Son, takes it all" before Finchers went to the their hot food.   

Thursday, December 24, 2020

CVS run

 Windy .. starting about 2 am.  So windy, no organized pickle ball.  Lord, guide the weather for tomorrow's Christmas dinner under the car port.  We went to CVS to get a few things.  After lunch I started to put together evergreen centerpieces for tables tomorrow and Joyce joined me.  It was fun, but chilly working out under the car port.   We went on a walk around the park.  When we stopped at Bill and Kathy's said they are in quarantine and not joining us for our Christmas meal tomorrow.  I saw these pictures of Ellie JG  of Facebook.  She is using the small crib and walker that we gave them.   They had been left once of airbnb ers and needed a home.   I came home after pizza and watched Hallmark movies.  What a fun ending to a great day.  And Denny was happy? I think looking at his phone.  Quite the night for him ... I guess Christmas Hallmark movies are not quite his thing. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


I was up and out to golf st 7:35.  I played 2 rounds with Brad and Joyce B.  It was a beautiful morning.  I didn't play the best 52+53= 105 at Valley International Country Club, but so fun!! Loved it!!  There were $2 special after we played.  When I got home Denny had stopped at Magic Valley to report trees growing on their electrical lines, he signed us up for pizza tomorrow might,  he talked to Danny so we can park our car across the street, he got the mail, he vacuumed our place ... an amazing guy!  I went to the hammock and listened to some Fox and Newsmax news.  Nice phone visit with Mandy.  Lord, guide her.  She had an early out because of pending blizzard.  They are headed to Jan and John's for then weekend.  It should be very fun!!! She did post her passion Lifestyle 28 on Facebook and the response was amazing!  So fun to see.  Lord, guide family and friends to healthier living.  We looked thru pictures and ar now with only 5000 left.  Uffda!! That's a lot of pictures and I love to have taken them.  Matt's family stopped at Lukes before heading to Kingsley.  Such good treats!!  Missy's family is home from Hidden Acres stay.  They spent 24 hours with friends from Eastern Iowa and also went skiing.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Quick paint splashing

 I was up with the intentions of painting the dock before going to shop with Gail.  Well, I went into Nan's room and fell asleep... Uffda!!  Only 40 minutes to splash on some paint.  Quick shower and off to thrift stores, dropped off Gail at the golf course, and a Walmart run.  When I got home I finished painting the dock.  It looks better.  Oh, my, the ducks love to roost and poop on it.  


Monday, December 21, 2020

Star of Bethlehem

Up and out for pickle ball.  When I came back Denny had spent the time trimming the big tree in the back.    Oh, my, there were a LOT of branches down.  It took 3 pick up loads.  The biggest branch was hanging over the water with about a 10 inch "trunk"  It fell less than a foot away from the dock.  Fay was our hero when she brought her electric chainsaw.  Our pole saw was stuck in a branch in the water.   Bill was a hero bringing his golf cart, 2 tow ropes and a come along.  Joan let us drive thru her lawn.  When I went to take a nap I fell asleep hard and didn't even wake up when Denny showered.  He woke me and  we headed to LeAnn’s for a visit.   When we got home it was close to sunset.  We positioned ourselves on the dock to look for the Star of Bethlehem as we ate supper.  It was a pretty night and we saw the conjunction.   




Sunday, December 20, 2020

Parade at 4 seasons

 Listened to Arthur EF's 12/13 service in am.  At 1, Dears came to get ready for the parade.  We had gift bag deer faces, Sticks for antlers (my antlers were black gorilla taped onto Denny's Texas hat), and curly ribbon for white tails.  Santa was riding the Trike and Rudolf & friends lead him with garland reins.  Denny had the speaker set to play songs: "Rudolf, tRNR and Leader of the Pack".  There were 2 squirt guns to cool off spectators.  I think perhaps there were as many people in the parade as the number watching the parade.  Afterwards hot cocoa and cookies by the pool.  Quite the fun time.  And I was worried,"WHAT have I gotten myself into???"




Saturday, December 19, 2020

Yoga, clean and beach

I was up just before the alarm went off.  I had not gotten to bed early, but I did look at a picture of Dad on the tricycle at a park parade (I assume ).  I thought, if Dad could be in a parade ... I should try to organize a part of the parade on Sunday.  As we drove to Yoga, I asked Gail and Joyce if they would be up for it.  SO here we go... Hopefully we can pull it off.  Denny cleaned while we were shopping at Dollar Tree and  brain storming. 

Denny will be Santa driving a decorated tricycle and hopefully we will have 4-9 reindeer, with Brad as Rudolf and Gail, Bruce, Mert, Joyce and me as reindeer with branch anthers.  We'll see .. 

Denny and Went to the beach at S Padre from 2-6.  So nice.  There were about 6-10 people surf boarding.  So fun to watch them and Denny worked on a video of the SN8 launch.  Great day!!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Depot Trip, our job for the day

I was up and made coffee.  After breakfast on the deck and a shower we headed to Home Depot.  We were walking aisles and both decided we really could use a pole saw.  That tree over the deck is amazing ... and every year it needs trimming.  A lot!!!  Bill stopped to visit on the deck.  I had made an audition recipe of corn pudding that was Deb. G's recipe.   YES!!  Missy and Phillip went to Grandma Bette's funeral and sent us the link to watch the live video.   It was so good.  We worked on deleting pictures.   Down to 6,400.  Uffda!!  We walked to Finchers and Denny looked at Jerry's copier. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Ready set go

 Up for devo's and pickle ball at 8 am.  I stopped at Glorias' for coffee.  She had flavored.  At home Denny was working on deleting pictures from the computer.   In the afternoon I sprayed off the dock.  We worked more on photos.  We took the cheese to Bransons and then home for supper and tv.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ho ho HO!!!

Up early,   I put the silverware in pouches and got the napkins ready for Christmas and I went  back to bed.  Denny got up and when I got up for the day he was deep into making cilantro sauce.  When he got done we went to a UPS store, a car part store and Walmart.  I stayed in the car and read the book "The Christmas Sweater" by Glen Beck???   We delivered 14 packages to friends around the park.  Nancy had sent cheese curds from Wisconsin and Gail and I packaged them and Denny added cilantro sauce.  Nancy and 2 sisters, Mert, Gloria and Dawn, Mary Kay, Bill and Kathy, Fay and Jerry, Les and Julie, Jerry and Joan, Sharon P., Bert and Dan,  Missing Dave and Joanna and Brad and Joyce,   When we were at Mary Kay's we invited her for supper at 5:30.  We had lettuce, browned taco meat, guacamole, salsa, cilantro sauce, cheddar cheese,   It was Great to catch up with her.  Gail and Bruce brought over cookies and then we watched The Great Race.  Fun Day!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Gave blood

Gail and I left about 8:15 to go to Harlingen to give blood.   We called yesterday for an appointment.  The name of the place was Vitalant.  At first she gal said ladies must have a hemoglobin count of 12.5 before they could donate blood.  my right finger had 12.3 , but my left had 13.0, so I could donate blood.  She said she didn't know why different hands gave different readings.  All went smoothly, and Gail and I headed home with one stop at the Minnesota street thrift store.  When we got home Denny had been washing windows and it looked great!!!  I planted the few living ranunculus and some gladiola bulbs in a couple of pots with old dirt.  I talked to Missy and she needed a glue gun.  Brooks was making a costume for the last week of school contest.  The topic is nativity characters.  I think it turned out pretty cute. What a creative little guy!