Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ho ho HO!!!

Up early,   I put the silverware in pouches and got the napkins ready for Christmas and I went  back to bed.  Denny got up and when I got up for the day he was deep into making cilantro sauce.  When he got done we went to a UPS store, a car part store and Walmart.  I stayed in the car and read the book "The Christmas Sweater" by Glen Beck???   We delivered 14 packages to friends around the park.  Nancy had sent cheese curds from Wisconsin and Gail and I packaged them and Denny added cilantro sauce.  Nancy and 2 sisters, Mert, Gloria and Dawn, Mary Kay, Bill and Kathy, Fay and Jerry, Les and Julie, Jerry and Joan, Sharon P., Bert and Dan,  Missing Dave and Joanna and Brad and Joyce,   When we were at Mary Kay's we invited her for supper at 5:30.  We had lettuce, browned taco meat, guacamole, salsa, cilantro sauce, cheddar cheese,   It was Great to catch up with her.  Gail and Bruce brought over cookies and then we watched The Great Race.  Fun Day!!

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