Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fun day!!

I slept in until after 7.  Denny and I went online and found out that info from my blood donation showed I tested negative for Covid.  I went to get a perm from Toni about 10.  I stopped at the thrift store that Gail had seen a pink golf bag.  It was so fun to buy the golf bag with "don't ask won't tell" about the clubs in the bag.  Toni's salon is on Palm Boulevard.  I ended up with lots of curls.  I think I like "em.  Gail and I went thrifting on the island.   I bought nothin', but it was still so fun.  We got Joe's Oyster Bar carryout for supper.  After we got home Denny and I started to walk the park, but stopped at Real's and visited.  It was good to sit and visit on  their deck.  I came home to eat fish.  At night we watched tv.  Good day in the Valley. 

Sorry for the off color post... but I did think it was funny....


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