Sunday, December 20, 2020

Parade at 4 seasons

 Listened to Arthur EF's 12/13 service in am.  At 1, Dears came to get ready for the parade.  We had gift bag deer faces, Sticks for antlers (my antlers were black gorilla taped onto Denny's Texas hat), and curly ribbon for white tails.  Santa was riding the Trike and Rudolf & friends lead him with garland reins.  Denny had the speaker set to play songs: "Rudolf, tRNR and Leader of the Pack".  There were 2 squirt guns to cool off spectators.  I think perhaps there were as many people in the parade as the number watching the parade.  Afterwards hot cocoa and cookies by the pool.  Quite the fun time.  And I was worried,"WHAT have I gotten myself into???"




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