Sunday, December 6, 2020

Happy 14th birthdayTJ!!!!

 We're hoping you have a great birthday, Torren!!!  Thanks for the fine young man you are becoming.  We love how you put 100 percent effort in everything you do, whether it is football, caring about people, serving the Lord, and taking care of people and pets.  



Lovely, chilly am.  Watched Candlewood with a blanket and cup of hot coffee.  Now Kiron Baptist. Around noon we went to Boca Chica Beach to see the Starship missile site.  It was a chilly, but not freezing day.  I sat and just watched the beach, the waves, the day and then Denny and I walked before heading home.  Inside the gate I saw friends by Cherly's trailer talking to her.  She has covid and her husband has leukemia.  I opened the window and told her I was praying for them and then drove to our trailer.  Gail was there and said Cheryl's husband Dick died this afternoon.  Lord, be with their family.  Sorrows upon sorrows.   I gave Susan a call while I sat out by the rascal.  Denny got an idea to put up blinking Christmas lights on the east end of the trailer that are timed to music. Oh, my we'll see.  Then this post just came on the 4 seasons facebook group from a gal who drives a golf cart ....

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